Sixth year

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On a random Thursday in the summer holidays, the gang meet in the diagon alley to get their new school supplies ready for the new school year. Harry follows Draco to borkin & burkes and overhears threatening Borgin insisting that he fix an unknown object. Harry is instantly suspicious of Draco.

Harry & Harriet are collected by Dumbledore as he takes them to the burrow ready for the new school year. However they stop at godric's hollow at a random house to persuade a certain Horace Slughorn to return to Hogwarts and regain his position as the potions professor. After some persuading, Horace agrees to the deal. Dumbledore takes them to the burrow before leaving as quick as a flash.

After a long journey on the Hogwarts express they arrive at Hogsmeade station. Where Harry under his invisibility clock spies on Draco resulting in a broken nose. Luckily Luna fixes it as they arrive at the castle.

They all head into the great hall. The first years are sorted into their houses and the feast began and Dumbledore announced that Snape would be the new defence against the dark arts teacher and announces Slughorn as the new potion professor. Harriet left with Susan & Hannah saying night to Harry, Hermione & Ron.

They arrive back at the common room. "You excited for this year?" Susan asks.
"Sort of. Forgive me but the last few years here haven't went well for me and my brother." Harriet says.
"Oh yeah. But you happy here right?" Hannah asks. "Of course I am. But I've got a decision to make. Either me or my brother has to leave later this year if nothing changes." Harriet says sighing.
"You mean? You could leave." Susan says. Harriet nods "I've done my research on Beauxbatons. As that's where I'll go if I do leave but trust me if there's a way of me and Harry staying here we would. But I can't expect Harry to leave. The school is home to him. His friends. His future's here." Harriet says. "What about your friends? Your future though?" Hannah asks.
"I'll miss you all. But... I don't know. Look there's still time to figure it out. So let's enjoy the time you have with me just in case ok." Harriet says. "Let's go to bed. Busy day tomorrow." Harriet adds heading up to the dorms after Susan & Hannah. They change into their pjs and climb into their beds. "Night girls." Harriet says.
"Night." Susan says.
"Night." Hannah says.

The next day, Hufflepuff have double potions with the Slytherins. We are in teams. I put with Pansy, how fun. NOT. "Look, let's just get this over with." Harriet says. "Oh, still hurt over Draco moving on with me. Well if it helps we've broken up. He wasn't as good as I thought and after some thinking he's not what I wanted after all." Pansy says. "Meaning what exactly?" Harriet asks. "I think I'm gay. You are the first to know. So don't tell anyone. Swear to it?" Pansy asks. Harriet nods before replying. "I swear. Now let's get brewing dog breath potion." Harriet says placing the cauldron over the fire to warm it up. Now what's first?" Harriet asks.

"Mint. I believe." Pansy says handing Harriet the mint leaves. Harriet places them at the bottom of cauldron. "Next?" Harriet asks.
"Motherwort." Pansy says handing over a jar of orange powder. "Two heaps. It says." Pansy says. Harriet adds it into the cauldron. "Now it's just Plantain, Polypody, powder of viper's flesh, Rue, Spirit of Myrrh, St John's-wort, Vervain & White wine." Pansy says.
"Ok, how much white wine?" Harriet asks. "2 cups." Pansy says as she empties it into the cauldron as it begins to bubble. "Is it meant to do that?" Harriet asks. "Yes, it's a immediate reaction once the wine is added." Slughorn says as he passes the table. "Right we should add vervain & Rue are both herbs. "Ok." Harriet says adding some stems of Rue as Pansy adds the vervain leaves. "Right, now the viper powder." Pansy says adding a one heap into the cauldron. Harriet adds the Plantain & Polypody stirring it all together as Pansy adds the spirit of Myrrh & St John's wort. "It smells bad." Harriet says. "Most potions smell bad Harriet, hence to try and prevent people from taking them in the first place." Slughorn says. "Almost done, give it a stir and let it simmer for a minute then I'll come back." Slughorn adds before leaving the table. Pansy gives the cauldron a final stir as we sit down and take notes of the ingredients and the amounts we needed for the potion. Draco was working with Blaise, it wasn't going well as Blaise was gagging over the smell of the ingredients and couldn't bare going near the cauldron, leaving Draco to tend it to it himself. "Hey, I think it's done." Pansy says as she takes the cauldron off the heat. Slughorn returns as he has a look at the potion. "It's got the right colour, texture, definitely got the smell. Well done girls.  10 points to each of your houses for your good work." Slughorn says before leaving.
"We work well together. We could do it again sometime." Pansy asks. Harriet nods as they finish writing down their report on their potion.

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