Fourth year 2.0

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The second task of the triwizard tournament is in 2 days. "You figured the egg out?" Hermione asks. Harriet shakes her head. "Harriet, you told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago. The task is two days from now." Hermione says. "Yeah I know. I don't need reminding thanks." Harriet says.

They are then interrupted by Cedric. "Potter!" He says. Harriet rolls her eyes and grunts before turning around. "What is it Diggory?" Harriet asks.
"How are you?" He asks.
"Fantastic. Now quit the small talk. What do you want?" Harriet asks.
"You know the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor?" Cedric says. Harriet nods looking confused. "It's not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water." He says. "Oh, ok. Thanks I guess. Not like I needed it of course." Harriet says before watching Cedric walk back to his gang of friends.

"Must you be so rude?" Hermione says.
"Have you forgotten what he done to me." Harriet says.
"Come on.. I'm going with you." Hermione says as they head to the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor. "I'll stay here and watch. I won't look." Hermione says as Harriet changes and gets into the bath with the egg to the side of her. Harriet takes the egg and puts it under the water. "Well go on, open it." Hermione says eager to know the message within the egg. Harriet does so and is ducks underwater to be greeted by a singing voice.

"Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took." Harriet bursts out of the water shutting the egg and getting out and drying off. "So, what did it say?" Hermione asks. "Come seek us where our voices sound." Harriet says.
"The black lake, that's obvious." Hermione says. "An hour long you'll have to look." Harriet adds.
"Again obvious, though I must admit potentially problematic." Hermione says.

"Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath under water for an hour Hermione?" Harriet asks. "Look Harry, we can do this. The four of us can figure it out." Hermione says. They then leave as Harriet is on her way back to the Hufflepuff common room she bumps into Neville.

"You know, if you're interested in plants you'd be better with Gorshok's Guide to Herbology." *noticing the plant book in her hand.* "Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal whose growing gravity resistant trees?" Neville says. "Neville. No offense, but I really don't care about plants. Now if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour then great." Harriet says.
"I don't know about a turnip but you can always use gilliweed." Neville says.
Harriet smiles "thank you Neville." Harriet says as she kisses his cheek in return of the favour. Neville turns bright red before he scurries off into the distance. Harriet goes back to the common room to be met by Susan & Hannah waiting for her.

"Where were you?" Hannah asks.
"Oh I was at the prefects bathroom." Harriet says. Susan & Hannah looking confused. "Cedric told me it was a good place for a bath. Don't worry I didn't meet him. I went with Hermione and I found out what the egg said." Harriet says. "and?" Susan asks.
"Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took." Harriet says.
"Strange." Hannah says.
"Its's ok. It's in the black lake. Hermione helped me figure it out and Neville is going to give me some gillyweed to help me breathe under the water for an hour." Harriet says.
"Wow. That's great. Seems that this task should be easy for you then." Susan says. "Hopefully, I need to get a goodnight rest leading up to the tournament. You know to be the most alert." Harriet says.
"Course, we were just waiting for you then we were going to go to bed." Hannah says. Harriet smiles before they all go up to the dorms and sleep.

Skip to the day of the second task of the triwizard tournament where everyone gathers around the black lake. "Are you sure about this Neville?" Harriet asks taking the gillyweed from him. "Absolutely." Neville says.
"For an hour." Harriet adds.
"Most likely." Neville says clearly unsure. "Most likely!" Harriet says.
"Well there is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of freshwater versus saltwater." Neville says. "You're telling me this now? You gotta be joking." Harriet says.
"I just wanted to help." Neville says.
"Well that makes you sight better than
Draco. Where is he anyway?" Harriet asks. "Why do you care?" Neville asks. "You aren't together anymore." Neville adds. "Thanks for the reminder Neville. I still care about him a lot despite his actions at the Yule ball." Harriet says. Neville is about to speak before he is interrupted by Dumbledore over a loudspeaker.

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