Chapter 6: Julien V

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First thing next morning, Luo Wenzhou went back to the City Bureau to have a chat with Director Zhang, then headed over to the Flower Market District Sub-Bureau with Tao Ran. They had just parked their car when Lang Qiao, who had arrived earlier, came out to meet them.

Lang Qiao passed over two cups of coffee and quietly said, “Where have you been? They’ve arrested Ma Xiaowei. They identified him as a major suspect and stuffed him into a police car and brought him back here first thing this morning, with the online media following the car the whole way. They’ve just scattered.”

Hearing this, Tao Ran was instantly alarmed. “What!”

Luo Wenzhou put a hand on his shoulder. “Was it according to procedure?”

Lang Qiao sighed and said almost inaudibly, “Captain Luo, with that Wang Hongliang keeping watch, that kind of slip is impossible.”

“What’s the evidence?” asked Luo Wenzhou heavily.

“The cell phone,” said Lang Qiao quickly. “It’s particularly fishy. The deceased He Zhongyi’s phone was found on his roommate Ma Xiaowei—the official word is that the person in charge of the case at the sub-bureau received a report last night, saying Ma Xiaowei had been seen with a new phone that looked like the one the victim He Zhongyi had lost. The sub-bureau quickly dispatched people to summon Ma Xiaowei for questioning. They found the phone, and turned up both Ma Xiaowei and the victim’s fingerprints on it.”

Luo Wenzhou frowned.

Tao Ran got right to the heart of the matter. “Who reported it? How could the informer tell it was He Zhongyi’s phone that Ma Xiaowei had?”

“Apparently the phone was a just released new model, and a very expensive brand. Very few people have them here. It seems that a relative gave it to He Zhongyi. Everyone saw when he first got it. It made a strong impression.”

“Who reported it and why isn’t important. Even if Wang Hongliang and his people went charging in and forcibly searched the place, they can always produce a trumped-up informer after the fact.” Luo Wenzhou waved a hand. “The crux of the matter is the phone. Having the victim’s phone doesn’t at all signify that Ma Xiaowei was the murderer. It’s not very compelling as evidence goes.—Did Ma Xiaowei also say something he shouldn’t have? Did someone use force to extract a confession from him?”

“You’ve guessed it.” Lang Qiao glanced around like a thief and only went on when she saw no one was around. “I don’t think it went as far as using force. The whelp wanted to go to work early, so he lied about his age. I had someone look into it last night. His ID had been altered. He’s only sixteen. I figure he’ll say anything if he’s frightened. They asked him where the phone came from, he stalled for a while and then said he picked it up.”

“He picked it up at the scene of the crime.” Luo Wenzhou shook his head. “Did they also ask when he picked it up? Did he say it was around a quarter past nine, when he heard the sound of arguing downstairs and went to investigate?”

Lang Qiao spread her hands.

At the time pointed out by the other witnesses’ circumstantial evidence, he said he’d gone to the crime scene and “picked up” the phone.

Who was the murderer?

I didn’t see.

Words failed Luo Wenzhou. He stroked his chin heavily. “I haven’t seen such a candid ‘murderer’ in years.”

Before Lang Qiao could respond, Wang Hongliang boisterously came over to them. “I went to a district safety and security assembly yesterday, so I was absent for a bit. I just got back and heard my subordinates say the suspect had already been caught? The City Bureau’s little leaders are so dedicated to their work. Get a load of that efficiency!”

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