Chapter 26: Julien XXV

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When there were forty-five seconds left in the countdown, the entire "sky screen" suddenly blinked. Then, in front of everyone's bemused eyes, a photo of a teenager suddenly appeared.

He was around eighteen or nineteen years old, had a very ordinary face, and slightly dark skin. He looked a bit awkward while facing the camera, but he wore a wide smile that revealed his white teeth.

Without warning, the eyes of the woman on top of the building met this splendid old photo. She was immediately stunned while straddling the railing with one foot on either side. The “wings” on her back rustled in the night wind.

The woman saw it, and so did all the people who were waiting for the preview of the closing ceremony in Central Square. Luo Wenzhou had just finished checking a building and was running out. He saw that the world outside had changed. He stumbled and almost started rolling down the stairs at the entrance.

A policeman standing next to him gasped: “Captain Luo, the closing ceremony has brought the rights to the broadcast, haven't they? Can we switch the content? This… this'll just cost one more car!” “Stop talking nonsense!” Luo Wenzhou kept walking and picked up the walkie-talkie. “Group One, report. Did you find the car? Pay attention to all the intersections, and arrest car owner immediately if they show up. Send the car model and license plate number to Fei Du. Ask him to display them on the screen and encourage people to report to the police.”

At the same time, in the control room of the Economy and Trade Center Building, a group of staff members were busy working.

“Is the video recorder connected?”

“How about the video processors?”

“Lights, lights, lights… oh, be careful with that line!”

Fighting the impulse to sweep around in the babble, Fei Du planted himself next to the wall in a corner.

One leather shoe with a stain on it kept tapping on the ground. It seemed that there was always a four-four rhythmic slow song playing in his world, ready to isolate all the sounds around him.

Suddenly, the light in front of him was turned on and Fei Du looked up.

“Mr. Fei, the equipment is ready!”

The woman on top of the building stared greedily at the photo of the teenager without knowing the time.

Strangely enough, he only had an ordinary appearance which would probably not attract any attention on the street. In her opinion, however, he was cute beyond description.

The stupid-looking square chin was cute, the widely-separated eyes were cute, the thin eyebrows were cute, and even the two front teeth that were a little far away from each other were cute. She could keep her eyes on him for more than ten thousand years.

However, she couldn't look at him anymore.

Together with this thought, slowly but resolutely, her memory rose like the tide, and the light in her eyes gradually disappeared like a small reef that refused to come to its senses.

She lifted her face, wiped her eyes, and recalled the truth – Zhongyi was gone.

Gritting her teeth, she began the other leg out, hoping to reunite with him in the other world.

At this moment, the picture on the “sky screen” suddenly disappeared, and a short video started playing.

The background of the roughly-made video included a pale wall. Lights came in from various angles, making it a bit dazzling. A young man in a black shirt stood in the center of the screen. It seemed that the device had been set up in a hurry, and the size did not match. He was stretched and distorted.

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