Chapter 7: Julien VI

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“Deputy…Deputy-Captain Tao!”

Tao Ran turned and saw the sub-bureau’s “waterspout” wonder, Little Glasses Xiao Haiyang, pelting towards him.

Xiao Haiyang’s glasses had been broken yesterday, and he hadn’t yet taken the time to switch to new ones; they hung crookedly down over his cheekbones. He stood breathlessly in front of Tao Ran, his expression uncommonly grave as he took several deep breaths. Tao Ran’s chest hurt a little just looking at him.

Xiao Haiyang’s face was as tense as if he’d just had a facelift. He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and pushed up his glasses, which were on their last legs. Then he could clear his throat and fish a notepad out of his pocket. “Deputy-Captain Tao, there’s something I want to report to you.”

Tao Ran good-naturedly waited for him to catch his breath. “Don’t rush. Anything you have to say, tell me slowly.”

“It’s like this: yesterday while we were making inquiries in the West District, I discovered the living situation over there is very complex, highly fluid and seasonal. It’s normal for renters to move away when they change jobs. As for those overcrowded illegal rentals, they’re really more a sort of poorly-appointed long-term hostel. Because of this, relationships between people aren’t very close, except for people from the same place looking after each other. Yesterday my colleagues worked all day without getting much useful information.”

Tao Ran gave a faintly encouraging nod. “Right.”

“But among the people living with He Zhongyi, there was one from the same province as him, called…” Xiao Haiyang flipped through his memo book. “…called Zhao Yulong. His relationship with the victim was very good. Apparently He Zhongyi got the delivery job on his introduction. Ma Xiaowei said he’s had to go back home to deal with something these past few days.”

Tao Ran raised his eyebrows in surprise. He had just been thinking of contacting this person.

“Yesterday evening I found the person in charge of supply for the coffee shop chain and got Zhao Yulong’s contact information,” said Xiao Haiyang. “When he heard the news, he agreed to take the last long-distance bus back to Yan City last night. I arranged to see him today.”

Tao Ran looked at him thoughtfully. “I thought the sub-bureau was focusing its investigation on Ma Xiaowei.”

Xiao Haiyang’s face tensed even further. He subconsciously tugged at the hem of his shirt. “I…I’ve been thinking that there’s something wrong with that mysterious individual who gave the victim the phone. Now they’ve identified Ma Xiaowei as the murderer, there are still many questionable points… I discussed this with our captain… He told me to not be such a smart ass and stop buying trouble.”

At this point, Tao Ran’s face grew serious, his warm smile vanishing. “What time did you arrange to meet?”

“Um,” said Xiao Haiyang, looking at his watch, “if the long-distance bus isn’t late, an hour from now.”

Tao Ran came to a prompt decision. “I’m going with you. Come on!”

While the lowly criminal policemen pounded the pavement with the sun beating down on them, Fei Du was reclining in a soft swivel chair in his office.

He had his forehead propped on one finger. On the desk next to him was a laptop whose screen showed the short and unremarkable account of He Zhongyi’s life. Fei Du found a phone number in his address book and made a call.

“Hi, Chang-xiong18, it’s me.” Fei Du listened to the person on the other end say something, then looked down and laughed. “Right, it’s a little embarrassing. I actually have something I’d like to ask your help with.”

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