Chapter 25: Julien XXIV

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Name: Wang Xiujuan

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Han

Age: 48

Level of Education: Elementary school

Such were the basic demographic information of the mother of the 5 -20 murder case victim.

Her husband died in an accident ten years ago. She suffered from a chronic illness which prevented her from holding onto a regular job. Consequently, she relied on the scarce income from renting out her quarter acre of farmland,
supplementing it with braiding and selling straw baskets. Before arriving at Yancheng City, the furthest that she had ever been was the hospital in the province capital.

The very first time she traveled to Yancheng City in her lifetime was to bid farewell to her only son.

Nothing else about her life was particularly worth noting.

As for the moments of happiness and sorrow, or the bits and pieces of hope and despair in her life, none were the subject of any question, nor did they really leave any traces.

“Keep screening every suspicious vehicle that has passed through the neighborhood. Can we track the location of her cell phone?”

“Captain Luo, we found the cell phone in a trash bin near the entrance of the Bureau.”

Luo Wenzhou pressed the intercom, but then decided to let go without giving any command because he had nothing to say. Understandably, she'd ditch the phone since no one else would've needed to contact her through that number,
except for the mysterious man that “abducted” her.

He pressed the gas somewhat impetuously: “But why? What's the motivation? How come a spur-of-moment crime has so many follow-ups?
Honestly, I'm a little wary about your inferences now… Besides, if Zhao Haochang really was the murderer, then why would he move the body all the way to the Huashi Western District? If he wanted to frame Zhang Donglai, why not just leave the body in front of the Cheng Guang Mansion?”

The one next to him made no sound. Through the corner of his eye, Luo Wenzhou saw that Fei Du seemed to be lost in his thoughts. He was staring out the windshield like a statue, except for the finger that had been steadily tapping a 4/4 rhythm on his knee.

Luo Wenzhou gave him a blunt nudge: “Hey, I'm talking to you!”

Fei Du: “…….”

Throughout his not-so-long lifetime, no one had yet dared to mess with Mr. Fei's expensive head - let alone give it a shove.

For a second, he was unsure about how to react – he simply turned around and shot an icy glare at this brazen Homo sapien.

Luo Wenzhou had long been accustomed to Luo Yiguo's daily murder schemes against him, so he didn't mind the exposure to some additional
“gamma ray”. He continued: “Is there any possibility that the one who dropped He Zhongyi's body in the West district isn't the one who killed him?”

Fei Du's brows imperceptibly rose a bit. Finally, just as Luo Wenzhou was about to accept that he had sunk into another trance, Fei Du spoke again, tersely, “Possibly.”

Luo Wenzhou asked, “Which one is more possible? One suspect or two?”

“Depends if there is other evidence.” Fei Du's malfunctioning circadian clock seemed to have finally rebooted. Looking a bit tired, he lowered his head and massaged his nose bridge, “From what I have gathered thus far, both are possible.”

“If the murderer and the mover of the body are two separate people, it brings us loads of new suspects…” Luo Wenzhou said, “That aside, if they are the same person, then what's his logic behind moving the body to the Western District?”

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