Chapter 20: Julien XIX

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Luo Wenzhou was just as surprised as the hoodlums by Fei Du descending from the heavens, but the situation was desperate, and Captain Luo wasted no time; he promptly came to a decision, first shoving Wu Xuechun into the car, then jumping into the passenger’s seat himself. He hadn’t sat down properly yet when the car’s open windows automatically rolled shut, and it started forward with a howl.

Luo Wenzhou was nearly forced backwards against the back of the seat. “Why do I get the sense your mood isn’t very stable… Hey!”

Though Fei Du hadn’t turned to look at him, the smell of blood didn’t rely on a person’s line of sight; it kept floating over in a steady stream.

The little sports car’s acceleration was already dizzying, and next to him was a moving bag of blood to pile dizziness on top of dizziness. With the two combined, President Fei’s brilliant moment went by, and, not at all brilliantly, he was heading right for an electricity pole.

The pitch of Luo Wenzhou’s voice altered, and the veins stood out on the corners of Fei Du’s forehead. In this extreme crisis, he carefully turned the steering wheel and drove clear.

Having survived disaster, the electricity pole unfortunately had yet to relax when it witnessed the car roll up and then down—President Fei had accidentally driven up onto the curb.

Luo Wenzhou buckled his seatbelt as quickly as possible, feeling that he’d just come out of the dragon’s pool and ended up in the tiger’s den—having avoided dying at the evildoer’s blades, he was going to die at the hands of this suicidal driver.

“You’re driving like a maniac!” Luo Wenzhou hollered at him.

Fei Du didn’t even dare to breathe too deeply. As soon as he did, he would smell it. “Who told you to sit in the front! I’m about to throw up!”

Luo Wenzhou: “…”

Being nauseated when faced with a handsome and elegant young man? What was the matter with him?

Cold sweat was pouring off of Fei Du. Soon he simply wouldn’t be able to see the road clearly. At last he couldn’t maintain his airy demeanor any longer and was forced by Luo Wenzhou into letting out a curse: “Blood makes me sick, cover the fuck up!”

Luo Wenzhou froze—he’d always thought Fei Du’s “blood makes me sick” was a joke, because he clearly remembered that he hadn’t had that problem when he was little.

Just then, Wu Xuechun helpfully passed forward a jacket Fei Du had thrown into the backseat. Luo Wenzhou shook it out and covered himself with it. “Tsk, and I get carsick. What… Shit, are those people crazy?”

Luo Wenzhou had meant to ask him, “What are you doing here?” But when he glanced at the rearview mirror, he found that the motorcycles were actually chasing them!

Though it wasn’t broad daylight now, they were still on a road in a lawful society. This was getting brazen.

Captain Huang and the others hadn’t expected that a whole crowd of people wouldn’t be able to stop one Luo Wenzhou in their own lair, but once you’ve shot your arrow, there’s no getting it back. With things as they now stood, they could only carry on, whatever the consequences, frenzied to the end.

Most likely it really does only take three steps for a common person who thinks of himself as “ordinary” to go from “wisely coming to terms with reality” to “desperate criminal.”

According to reason, a first-class sports car shouldn’t have been surrounded and intercepted by a crew of motorcycles, but the actual road conditions always played a part. Especially in the cramped West Flower Market District, where the conditions were complicated and the roads long and full of obstacles. There were places where a rocket couldn’t outrun the “Especially for picking up my grandson” mobility scooter.

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