Chapter 9

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Sophie pov

Looking back at it bringing all of us here with only one adult really wasn't a good idea. I was dragged away from the boys and Livvy by Biana with her seeing something that cause her attention as she dragged me store to store.

"No! I am not trying that on!"

"Please just try for me,"

"Hey hold this for me I want to get this"

"Why would you need a bag this big"

"Just cause"

"Hey I want to check out some makeup"

"What's that?"

"So you can change how you look with this?"

"Well yeah?"

"Awesome! And what does this do?"

"No no we don't need this much,"

"But you said this was good!"

"We don't need a full crate,"

In the end we had acquired a larger number of bags and I was left to carry them. I took them to the car where luckily Livvy was and dumped it all into the trunk. With our stomachs growling we walked to the restaurant the rest of our large group was sat at. Keede had a bucket hat sat on top of his head and said that the lady at the store had said that they were trendy whatever that meant. The waitress came over to our table and started taking orders. I asked for the house special and Biana followed suit although I wasn't sure if that was because she didn't know how to answer. I sigh and look down to the linoleum floors, it had been sure a long time since the last time that I had been to a mall. I thought back to all the times I had come to malls like this with my human family. I wonder if they had bothered to wipe the memories of the cousins. If then still remembered who we are. If they were also given new identities. Knowing how the Elven world works they probably didn't think about it.

I thought back to the family reunions with stark blonde hair bobbing in and out of waves of people. I remember a girl around my age that I would see but she never came after we turned seven. Thinking back on it I wanted to find them again. I don't know how I would explain what happened to them but I am sure that I could make some excuse for it. Just to see them again. I decided I should try and find out about them, even if only to give myself some closure. Thinking back many of the other members of our family had another last name but I couldn't remember what it was.

I shivered and grabbed my arms as I snapped back to reality when the waitress brought our food. Fitz looked at me from across the table and took off his jacket and handed it to me with a smile. I smiled back and put it on, wrapping it close and pulled up the sleeves to fit. Digging into our food we sat in silence until Livvy asked what we had bought, that set Biana off on a tangent talking about almost everything we had seen up until that point. Time flew by as I listened to Biana go on about the different outfits. As we made our way out of the mall I saw another group of people enter. Their loud yells drew the attention of the others for a short while but we headed back to the van to go home.

The way back was much more energetic than the way there with the elves humming with energy after getting to explore this new world. I smiled to myself, glad that I could see the huma world again. You never really know how much you miss something until you see it again. The trees flew past and I could hear Livvy promising Dex she would teach him to drive 'this monstrosity of a transport system'. As we pulled into the driveway of our new home I realised how glad I was that I had everyone around me. If I had been sent back to the human world alone I wouldn't know what to do. Having these friends to lean on were a godsend and without them I would be lost. Gathering all the bags we had gotten while shopping and bringing them inside took some time thanks to Biana's new penchant for shopping but we managed to pack away all the things we had bought before nightfall.

I decided to cook for us all again and put water on the stove to boil. Bringing out the ingredients I started seasoning the water with salt to cook the pasta shells and spinach. As I was stuffing the shells with the spinach and the ricotta into the shells Fitz walked up from behind me to peer over my shoulder.

"Do you need any help here?" He asked, smiling as reaching out for one of the shells set out on the island.

"Sure," I responded, "Just fill those over there while I put them in the baking pan."

We joked around as we worked, putting the pan into the oven to bake and loitering around the kitchen just talking while it baked. Once it was done Fitz called the rest of them down to eat while I set the table. Along with the spinach pasta dish I also set out some pre baked cookies that I had bought earlier at the mall. As they happily dug into the food I smiled, glad that they enjoyed the food compared to the food back home. Fitz sent a fond look my way and Biana made a comment on how sweet the cookies were after she finished her food. Livvy who had stayed for a bit after dropping us off said that she was going to be leaving soon. We said our goodbyes to her while she promised to visit us soon. She also said that next time she came she would bring some textbooks for us to study what we were going to be learning in school. As she stepped into a small closet she closed the door behind her, a bright light emitted from the bottom of the door frame and the door swung open to a empty room.


I have been dead for quite of a while but I was contemplating about if I should continue this story but I was like f**k it I'm doing it. I have been busy writing my original story Irradiance and that took most of my time planning and building up the world and magic system from scratch it would be really cool if you all could check it out. This new chapter is a bit of a new years present, a second resurrection of this story.

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