Chapter 6

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Sophie's P.O.V.

My hopes in our current system were lost. The discovery of the death of a Neverseen elf deep undercover in the human's realm of 'magic' had me questioning everything that had been told to me so far in my time in the lost cities. From the laws of the cities to the facts about how the humans became power-hungry, I was questioning all of it. The fact that an elf had lived in the forbidden cities undetected by anyone, whether human or not was a gamechanger to some. Some people even wonder if it were possible for a human to hide within our world. Most dismiss the thought soon after they had thought briefly about it, it wasn't possible for humans to even get to the lost cities let alone live here with no one noticing something wrong.

Pacing about the large room I ran through different scenarios in my head of a human living in the lost cities. All the possibilities that I could come up with seemed to always end in disaster but I couldn't seem to get the nagging feeling in the back of my mind to stop. With my mind so clouded I was startled when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey how are you feeling," Fitz questioned, "You look stressed"

"I'm fine Fitz it's just weird how no one noticed how he didn't seem to age or anything," I replied, not knowing what else to say.

"Mr Forkle actually asked me to get you and bring you outside, it seems that he has a mission for us," he murmured, slowly pulling me out of my room past Sandor and downstairs to the main foyer.

Waiting there was Mr Forkle in all of his shrivelled glory. He looked up from the book that had his attention before we entered and beckoned us to come over to where he was standing.

"Sophie how are you feeling," He asked. Putting down his book onto the table he was standing by.

"Good, but why are you here Mr Forkle," I grumbled.

"I am going to be blunt as this is an urgent matter but, Sophie we need you and your friends to live in the forbidden cities and investigate a group of teens we suspect to be young Elvin members of Neverseen." He explained,"We already got permission from the Council, they think it would be safer for you to be there too as the Neverseen would never expect us to send one of our strongest assets to a place where we couldn't easily access."

I was stumped at the suggestion. I did live in the forbidden cities but I have no clue if the other elves would be able to deal with living in the forbidden cities.

"I understand you might be worried about how your friends will deal with living in the forbidden cities but I already explained everything to them and they all agreed." He clarified, "Sophie you know it's entirely your choice but this is very important for all our lives."

"I'll do it," I exclaimed.

"Great, pack up you will leave at the end of the week. This will leave us a few days to get you adjusted to your new lives before you start attending human schooling." Mr Forkle said before leaving.

I stared blankly at the wall for a while before getting up and dragging Fitz back upstairs with me. We got all the way to my room before he said something.

"Do you need any help packing?" He asked while looking around at the number of things in my room.

"Yeah but I don't have anything to pack my things into," I sighed thinking about what to pack.

"Wait for one second Sophie!" He exclaimed, running out the room and returning a little later with Sandor following behind him with large amounts of cardboard boxes, "Is this enough?"

"That's more than enough Fitz, thank you"

We spent most of the day folding clothes that look normal enough by human standards and packing them into the boxes. By the time dinner rolled around we haven't even finished sorting through my clothes let alone my other things. After dinner I went back to my room to wash up and sleep.

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