Chapter 8

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Sophie's POV

After a long night of restless sleep I wake up to the sun shining past the sheer curtains of the large windows lining my wall. Glaring at the light coming through I make a metal note to get blackout curtains. Cracking my neck as I slowly get out of bed I walk towards the dresser to grab some clothes. Taking a towel with me I go to shower and get ready for the day. Putting on some more casual clothing and throwing on a hoodie after the fact I climb down the stairs with phone in hand to get some food. Checking the time as I went, I saw that it was still relatively early and decided it would be a good idea to just make myself some toast. Reaching the open kitchen I noticed that it was still empty as expected. As I searched for the bread in the pantry I heard footsteps leading towards the kitchen, I turned around to find Fitz walking into the large space. He smiled at me and brushed his wet hair off of his face, I lightly smiled back blushing slightly at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, still smiling and looking down at me crouched in front of the pantry.

"Trying to find bread for toast, do you want some?" I offered, grabbing the pack of whole wheat bread I spotted near the back of a shelf. He nodded and offered his hand to pull me up and I grabbed it. WHile being pulled up I lost my balance and crashed into his chest. My face turned flushed and I apologised for my klutziness but he just laughed and brushed it off although he did tease me for the redness of my face. I stepped away from him and walked over to the counter where there was a toaster and opened the pack. After I put the toast in I walked to the fridge to get butter and jam but a loud noise startled me. Quickly turning around I see Dax stumbling down the stairs rubbing his head with Biana following him down. The smirk on Biana's face just made me smile and turn back towards the fridge and grab the butter and jam right as the toaster pinged. Fitz walked over with some plates he got from the cupboard and took the toast out and put half of them on each plate. He put more bread in I assume for the others and put the plates down on the island. I sat down next to him offering the butter after I finished with it, he copied what I did with the butter. At this time I realised that he has probably never eaten toast before. As we finished up I saw that the others had come down with Keefe rubbing his eyes with an apple in his other hand. After paying some more attention to the others I saw that they all looked tired and uncomfortable.

Worried I raised a question, " Are you all alright y'all look uncomfortable?"

"This fabric is scratchy," Biana said tugging at the collar of her shirt which was one with a sheer overlay with a tight black bodice. I looked at her with a cocked head and came to a sudden realisation that the drastic quality change from that of the elves to humans were going to be hard for them to get used to. I just sadly explained to them that there wasn't really anything that we could do about the 'lack of quality' and that this was what humans used. They all looked deflated but just accepted the fact.

To try and cheer them up I took them to the living room and grabbed the TV remote from the small try on the side table. As I turned it on I looked around and saw them all looking interested, especially Dax. Flicking through the channel I landed on a channel playing disney movies, I left it on while explaining what this device was and the others were fixated on the screen except for Fitz who was still looking at me. When he saw me looking back at him he offered me a wide smile as his eyes returned to the screen. I blushed and walked back to the kitchen intending to get snacks for the others who seemed too invested in the Lion King to even get up. As I opened the pantry I felt a hand on my shoulder. Slowly turning back to find Fitz standing behind me. That charming smile that always made me blush grace his face and his hair had already partially dried but still was a mess atop of his head.

With a lifted tone he asked me, "How are you feeling, like about this whole living with the Humans thing?"

Shaking my head as I replied with a shrug, "I honest don't know. I miss the human world but I've gotten so used to the elven world now it just seems odd to be back."

His smile turned endearing and he hugged me, causing my already flushed face to go even redder. He brushed the hair off of my face and I suddenly became aware of the position we were in. I reluctantly removed myself from his arms, still not willing to confess my silly crush on one of my best friends. I didn't want to lose him if he didn't return my feelings. Turning back around I took bags of candy and chips off of the pantry shelf putting some in Fitz's arm and I started heading back to the living room with him on my tail. Handing out the snacks as we sat back down next to each other I missed the telltale glances between Keefe and Dax. Keefe whispers something to Biana and they all excused themselves saying that they wanted to get ready for going out.

I groaned when I heard that, remembering that Livvy had said that she was taking them out shopping to get some clothes and supplies for themselves. Frustratingly remembering the last time they all went out to the human world together, the ridiculously attractive looks that the rest of the elves had would draw attention to them certainly. Fitz patted my shoulder still smiling which caused me to turn my head away hiding my blush. I just got up and went upstairs again to collect my things and find something to put them in. Once I reached my room I looked around again to find some sort of bag. Finding a tote bag hanging off the arms of one of the chairs I grabbed it, stuffing my new phone into the bag and turning to walk back downstairs.

I sat in the atrium and waited for Livvy to come pick us up. As she opened the door she saw me and smiled down at me asking where the others were. I just gestured towards the living room and she walked towards the open doorway with me following close behind her. She greeted the others talking about how we were going to a mall so we could buy clothes then to a supermarket.

"How are we paying for all of this again?" I questioned, slightly worried about how we were going to afford all of this. She just smirked and produced a small clutch from her bag and extracted multiple cards from it.

"We set up some accounts using money from some of our operations in this world for each of you. They should be more than enough to afford your clothes. Each of the cards have a Five hundred dollar spending limit but that is for an entire month so don't spend too much now," She said still smiling. She led us all out of the door to a large van and had us all pile into the back of it while she hopped into the cab. The trip wasn't long and when we pulled into the parking lot I saw the others peering out of the windows. I just chuckled at that and unbuckled my seatbelt, pulling open the van doors. Hopping out of the van, I stepped to the side letting the rest of us scramble out of the back. Biana was clutching onto her arms and looked like she was about to puke but she gave me a weak smile alongs with a thumbs up. Livvy bounded over to where we were gathered and dragged us towards the large building. We followed her through the doors and the air conditioner. 

A.N. Hi wattpad. It has been a while since my last one of these but this chapter took longer than I though and I wanted to just clarify some of the old chapters. They are all still cannon but it is not necessary to understand the story to I ask of everyone to just forget them and how bad they were.

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