Chapter 1 - Piper

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Today was just a normal day at Camp Half-Blood. Demigods were climbing the lava rock wall, riding Pegasus, (or whatever the plural is), and playing with Nymphs by the lake. (Totally normal things) After the war with Gea, there had been a lot of cleaning up that needed to be done, so the camp activities had been postponed until they were done. Now that they were finished, everyone was happy and having fun again. The Seven were no different.

The Seven had decided to spend their day picking strawberries. They all had gotten big baskets from the basket weaving station and went down to the strawberry fields.

"Jason that's my strawberry!"

"Nuh huh Jackson, I saw it first!"

"Jason please put the knife down, I don't think Chiron would be happy having to explain to Poseidon that Percy died."

"Annabeth shouldn't you be more concerned with the fact that I would be dead?"

"I mean yeah... but we have Jason, he's basically another Percy anyway."


"She does have a point."

"You're just saying that cuz he's your boyfriend!"

"Face, it Percy, Zeus trumps Poseidon."

"No Percy wait-"


"Yeah, Frank?"

"Did you have to dump the 'entire' lake onto us?"

"It added to the effect."

"I think the nymphs are mad about the strawberries Percy..."

"I'm sure they're fine."

"I dunno' they look pretty mad."

"They can't be that upset I mean... Oh, schist..." Just another normal day at Camp Half-Blood.

Once Percy had thoroughly apologized for the strawberries, they let him come back. "Well, that was a little excessive." They all laughed and went back to a more normal conversation.

"So, what are your guy's plans once summer is over?" Hazel asked.

"Well, I'm probably going to get expelled. Obviously." Percy laughed as Annabeth punched him in the arm.

"He's actually going to try his hardest not to do that. Aren't you Seaweed Brain?" she glared at him.

He gulped "Yes ma'am." Everyone laughed.

"I'm probably going to be back and forth between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter." Jason continued.

"I'm going to stay here and work on cleaning up Bunker 9." Leo shuddered at the thought of it "That's going to be a lot of work... I just have so many plans for it!" he grinned.

Piper started to speak "I think I'll be spending the year with..." suddenly a phone rang. Leo had made all of them monster proof cell phones so that they could get in touch with each other wherever they were. Piper pulled out her phone "Hello? Yes... Do we have to talk about this now? ...I've already told you I... One second." She looked up from the phone "Sorry guys I've got to take this." And with that, she ran off.

No one really thought anything of it as they continued to talk about the upcoming plans. But Leo could tell something was off. Sure, Piper and Jason were dating. But he had known her the longest. And he was good at telling when something was wrong.

"I'll be back guys..." he mumbled without thinking. The others just nodded not even halting their conversation.

Leo stood up and walked off in the direction he had seen Piper go. He walked around for a while not sure of where she went. He finally found her sitting by herself on top of Zeus' Fist. Her cell phone was sitting on the rock next to her. But what worried Leo most was the fact that she had tears dripping from her eyes.

He silently climbed up the rock from behind until he was sitting next to her. "What's the matter Chicca?"

She jumped a bit and he had to grab her arm to keep her from falling off. "Leo?" she brushed the tears from her eyes "What are you doing here?"

He smiled at her "You were upset." She started to protest. "Don't lie to me Amiga." Leo continued "If there's one thing I'm good for, it's knowing when my amigos need help. So, what's wrong Piper?"

"Nothing..." she mumbled "Just leave me alone."

Leo shook his head "Charm speak isn't going to work this time. I want to know why that phone call made you upset."

Tears started to drip from her eyes again. "It's my dad. He-he was going to take off work this year while I was in school, so we could spend more time together. He had just finished a movie, so this shouldn't have been a problem. Only... he just called me to tell me that he had gotten offered another movie and he accepted it." More tears seeped from her eyes "He-he wasn't calling to ask if it was okay, he was calling to tell me he had already done it! He didn't even ask me first! I know I'm being selfish but-"

Leo suddenly pulled her into a hug "No you're not. He's your dad, it's his job to take care of you and he's not doing that."

She sniffled some more. "I guess the only upside is that I'm going to spend the school year here at camp."

Leo grinned "That means you can help me clean up Bunker 9!" she looked at him confused "ok I know that sounds boring but trust me it's going to be mucho fun!" he grinned "I have so many plans for inventions our friends! Grover and Frank's birthday is June 5th. I'm going to make Grover these cool electronic pan pipes and I'm going to make Frank some special clothes that he can still wear when he becomes an animal."

He continued "Jason's birthday is July 1st, I thought it'd be funny to make a giant armed statue of Zeus that he could put in his cabin. If someone tried to break in, stone Zeus could kick their butt for him!" Piper started to smile a bit "Annabeth's birthday is July 12th, I'm going to make her a bracelet that kills all spiders within a mile radius." Piper now started to chuckle "Percy's birthday is August 18th, I'm going to make him a device that lets him talk to fish out loud other than just in his head. That way people won't think he's crazy. Or... as crazy." Piper was now laughing so hard she forgot she had been crying earlier.

"Thalia, Nico, and Hazel's birthdays aren't until winter, so I have more time to think of something for them." He smiled "now of course I'm forgetting one birthday." He dug around in his tool belt and pulled out a box wrapped in fiery orange paper. "Your birthday is June 3rd. Now, that's not until a week from now, but I feel like you could use a little pick me up."

She stared at him in shock as she slowly unwrapped the present. She opened the box and inside there was a shiny feather on a string of beads with a golden clip at the end. She was speechless as Leo started to explain the gift. "That is a feather from THE Pegasus. Each of those beads represents one of the seven. The blue one is Percy, duh, the grey is Annabeth, red is Frank, gold is Jason, purple is Hazel, pink is you, and orange is me. I even included a black one for our little Italian ghost king of death and angst. Don't tell Nico I said that by the way. He'd probably send me to an extremely early death. Oh! And the gold clip is enchanted. Here..." He took the clip out of the box and placed it in her hair. "tap the clip."

She did as he said still in shock. When she did so suddenly her dagger appeared in her hand. "It's like Percy's pen." He continued "Whenever you tap the clip no matter where your dagger is, it will instantly appear in your hand. Neat huh?"

Suddenly she grabbed onto him "Thank you so much, Leo! I love it!" tears started to fall from her face again.

"Hey don't cry again!" He joked "I just spoiled your birthday present to keep you from crying!"

She smiled at him "Don't worry Leo, these are happy tears."

"Oh..." he smiled and returned the hug "Those are okay then."

After that Piper completely forgot about her dad. Now she was just looking forward to all the time she was going to get to spend with Leo over the school year. He really was a great friend.

(A/N - Hey everyone! Happy New Year! Thanks for reading my story. I hope you like it so far. I update every weekend, so I'll "see" you in a week. :) Bye!)

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