Chapter 2 - Percy

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Leo was walking around lost in thought when he heard it. He was getting close to the fighting arena. He walked closer and the noise got louder. Someone was training, but they sounded really upset.

Leo walked in and he saw Percy going at it with a dummy. He was very aggressive with the attacks, more than normal. As Leo got closer, he saw that Percy was crying and mumbling something to himself.

"I'm too dumb for her. I can't even read a stupid book. She deserves someone better." With that, he slashed the dummies' head off.

Leo figured he had better step in. "Hey, Percy!" Percy spun around with his sword pointed at Leo. "Whoa! Calm down, amigo!"

Percy quickly brought his arm down "Sorry. You startled me." He quickly wiped the tears from his face hoping that Leo hadn't noticed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." If Percy was anything, it wasn't a good liar.

"Percy, what's the matter?" Leo persisted.

Percy sighed "I overheard some of Annabeth's siblings this morning. We've always been a kind of odd couple at camp, but they were saying that I was too dumb for her. She deserves somebody smarter than me. I tried to read her favorite book to prove to myself that I was smart enough, but I couldn't even do that. My dyslexia kept messing it up."

"Hey Annabeth, doesn't care about stuff like that!" Leo assured "She loves you for who you are. She doesn't care if you're super smart like her."

He looked down "I know... I just wish I could at least understand some of the things she likes. She really likes this one book and I just can't read it."

"Hey, it's okay." The gears in Leo's head started turning. "What's her favorite book?"

~time skip~

The next day Leo stopped by the Poseidon Cabin. When Percy opened the door, he still looked sad. "Oh, hey Leo." He didn't say it with his normal ADHD induced enthusiasm.

"Hey, Perc!" Leo was grinning from ear to ear. "How are you?"

Percy sighed "I'm fine. I still just wish I could read that book. I've been trying all morning!! I just keep thinking that maybe I'm not smart enough for Annabeth..."

"Dude, you're totally smart enough!" Leo assured, "And I've got a present for you that might be able to help."

Percy looked at him surprised "Really?" a bit of his enthusiasm returned.

Leo held up a box with a wire coming out the end. "It's a portable CD player." He held up the headphone end. "And look!" he popped open the front and inside was a disk of an audiobook. "This way you can listen along as you read. It should help."

Percy excitedly took the CD player "Really?! You made this for me?"

Leo grinned "Yeah!"

Percy wrapped him in a hug "Thank you so much!"

Leo smiled "No problem, that's what friends are for."

~time skip~

The next day Leo smiled as he watched Annabeth and Percy have a deep conversation about books. Percy finally felt confident in himself again.

Leo also made a point of visiting the Athena cabin and telling them to leave Percy alone. If they didn't? Well, it sure would be a shame if their cabin accidentally caught on fire. He would sure hate it if they lost all of their books and projects. That got the point across really quick.

(A/N - Hey guys. Thanks for reading. :) I hope you liked it!)

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