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Jimin POV:

After the day that I'd eaten the plate of fruit that the man with the black hair had brought me, he'd been bringing me more food, food that I was used to eating. No more of the unfamiliar smelling food from before.

He brought me food such as fruit, boiled rabbit, deer meat, veggies, and other small portioned things that I didn't really mind eating. This went on for about a week.

I smelled everything before eating it, and every time I finished, the man would give me a warm smile as if he was happy that I was eating. I stopped letting Star take over whenever he came in, and he also stopped locking the door, but I was way too afraid to go out let alone open it, afraid that I might run into someone. So most of the time when he wasn't in the room, I just sat in the bay window of the room and talked to Star through telepathy.

But today, as I slowly ate the food that he'd brought, I looked up at the man as he carefully watched from across the room. When he saw me looking he gave me a smile. What was he thinking about that caused him to smile at me all the time? Not knowing was driving me crazy.

When I was done, I went back to the corner of the room and watched as he walked over and picked up the empty tray, as he always did. But suddenly I felt the urge to ask the question that's been on my mind since I had arrived here.

"W-.. why.." I said nervously, looking at the ground.

He looked back at me, probably surprised because it had been the first time that I'd talked since being there.

" spoke!" He quickly set the tray on the nightstand. "Why what? What's wrong?"

I started to play with my fingers as I spoke again. "W-why am I here and... w-why are you t-taking care of me?"

Jungkook POV:

I was taken aback when the shy werewolf suddenly spoke. His voice was very light and delicate, almost as if it could break. It also had a sort of quiver behind it, as if he was afraid to talk.

"Well, you seemed like you needed help." I said, responding to his question. "I couldn't just leave a helpless person in the snow to die. I was raised better than that."

He nodded his head slightly, still looking down at his hands.

I knelt down, still keeping my distance so not to scare him. "Now that you're finally talking to me, will you tell me your name?"

He looked up at me for a few seconds, as if observing me before putting his head back down. "J-Jimin... m-my name is Jimin."

I smiled at him before saying, "Nice to meet you Jimin, I'm Jungkook."

Jimin POV:

That smile.... why did his smile, in that moment, make me feel so strange? He's smiled at me before, but this time why did my heart speed up a bit when I saw it? And his scent, I can't get over it, why do I like it so much? It smells really sweet like a warm, spring breeze. It makes me feel really weird, but its also sort of... comforting?

I can't really explain it but in a weird way I kind of feel like this person, Jungkook, wouldn't harm me... at least not intentionally. I don't have any proof or evidence to my claim but going off of my senses and the way that he's treated Star and I so far, I can say that he at least seems to be a decent person. But I still don't know for sure.

After introducing himself, Jungkook stood up and grabbed the tray from the nightstand.

"I'm glad that you decided to talk to me." He said, glancing back at me once he had approached the door. "See you later, Jimin."

He then left, leaving me alone in the room. Deep in thought, I slowly got up from my corner and walked over to the bay window and sat down. I then wiped the water vapor off of the window with the palm of my hand so that I could clearly see outside. The snow was piled up high and glowing under the morning sun, giving the illusion that the ground was shining. It almost didn't look real.

"What do you think?" I asked Star through telepathy.

"About what?"

"About that guy Jungkook... do you think that, you know, we can trust him?"

Star sighed before speaking again. "Well personally I don't think that we should. Sure he's being nice and all, but we know nothing about him. He could be pretending for all we know."

I slowly nodded my head at my wolfs words. He made a lot of sense.

"He smells really nice though." I said while watching a few snowflakes float past the window.

"Yeah, I know. His scent is still lingering in the room even after he left. I don't know if I really like it though, it makes me feel inferior and weak."

Well at least I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I know that many people would probably instantly trust Jungkook because of how kind he's been, but Star and I have been living alone in the wild for way too long to fall for something like that. We only have each other, and I basically depend on Star for everything because he's much stronger and smarter than I am. So whatever he says I usually listen to, it's just by habit.

"I would feel more at ease if you'd let me continue to take control whenever he's around." Star said matter-of-factly. "You're too soft, you even told him your name!"

I rolled my eyes and heard Star start to laugh. He really enjoys teasing me. He always says that I'm 'Too nice for my own good,' and that he's like my body guard.... though, he's not wrong.

"I stopped letting you take control because I don't feel like it's necessary. He just brings food and leaves. Also, I don't think that him knowing my name is such a big deal."

"See! Thinking that way is what makes you soft. Trust no one."

I gave a small smile and brushed some of my long hair out of my face. "Whatever you say, Star."

The Silver Wolf (Jikook)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن