The Tour

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Jimin POV:

As J-hope and I were walking down the hall, I stayed behind him, keeping a distance of 3 feet. We were almost at the end of the hall when he slowed down and started to walk next to me.

"So what's with you and the boss?" He asked.

I was confused with the question so I just shrugged.

"Oh come on! He doesn't let just anyone sleep in his room with him. You two must be really close despite you only being here for a few weeks."

Close? I barely knew him at all. I quickly shook my head 'no' and continued looking forward. J-hope gave me a teasing smile. What is he thinking?

"Alright, whatever you say."

Once we reached the end of the hall, we were met with two huge spiral staircases and a big door, which I assumed to be the way out of the pack house.

"This way." Said J-hope, walking towards another door. "I wanted to introduce you to my friend, but he's probably busy since it's breakfast. I'll show you some other places."

J-hope took me around the house, and I stayed silent and listened carefully as he explained each room. He took me to rooms such as the gym, living room, game room, laundry room, movie room, and the indoor greenhouse. This place is so big that I'd definitely be easy to get lost in. Why did they need so many rooms?

"Hmm." Said J-hope after we walked out of the greenhouse. "Where else can I take you? I could show you my room or-... Oh! I can introduce you to my best friend Yoongi! Let's go!"

I followed him all the way to the other side of the house. We went down another hallway, and at the end of it were two big, brown double doors. I could hear some kind of music coming from the room.

J-hope, without hesitation, opened one of the doors and motioned for me to follow. As we walked into the room I noticed that there were hundreds, if not thousands, shelves of books. The beautiful music was so loud, that it filled the huge room.

As we approached the center of the room, I could see someone sitting and playing some kind of instrument. The person had short white hair, and his eyes were closed as he concentrated on listening to the music.

"Hey, Yoongi!" Yelled J-hope.

J-hope's loud voice had startled him, causing him to play a wrong note. He then opened his eyes and watched us approach him.

"You know that this is a library right?" J-hope laughed. "Why are you playing the piano?"

"Oh shut up. No one is here, and this library basically belongs to me." Said Yoongi as J-hope walked over and stood behind him, putting his hands on his shoulders. "Hobi, why are you here? Who is this?" He said while looking at me, but I just held my head low and looked at the ground.

"Yoongi this is Jimin. He's the rouge that the boss let stay here." Explained J-hope.

"Oh! So you're the rouge. You've become a popular topic around the house. Everyone's talking about you."

I continued to stay silent.

"What's wrong with him?" Yoongi asked.

"He's just very quiet. He barely said anything to me all day." Said J-hope as he started to lightly squeeze and massage Yoongi's shoulders. "Anyway, Jimin this is Yoongi. He's one of the most boring pack members, because all he does is stay in the library. But he's still my best friend in the whole world and I love him!"

J-hope went down and wrapped his arms around Yoongi, pulling him into a back hug. "Ugh! Hobi you're going to make me fall off the chair."

While they were talking I was taking the time to scan the room that I was in. Every shelf was stacked with books and the entire ceiling was made out of blue and green stain glass.

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