CHAPTER 35: Regrets

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Reggie's POV

TO GET OUR minds off of everything, we went to the Hollywood Ghost Club. It took a lot to make me forget how Astrid's lips felt on mine. When Luke and Alex found me, I was completely stupefied.

I know Luke is still mad at Ash, but I cannot wait to see her! Alex said we should let him cool off first, otherwise I would have run after her once I gathered my senses.

Then again, it really did seem like Astrid wanted to be left alone.

Maybe she just used the kiss against me.

I don't entirely believe that, but maybe I'm just naive. The same butterflies as before take over in my belly.

I push them down.

Let me say, I do not regret following Alex's new friend. Willie is the most dope ghost I've met, and his club had actual food! I got to stuff my face with as much pizza and cheeseburger sliders as possible. All three of us stayed away from the hotdogs.

It was so exciting, that it was like I was in a time warp. Luke, Alex, and I have just arrived at Los Feliz High School, trying to figure out where the dance is. We got to the gym, all hyped up.

"Julie, we are ready to rock this dance..." I begin with enthusiasm as we walk in. Then I glance around the room and see that no one is left except Julie. "...which is clearly over."

"Look, we, so sorry that we bailed on you," Luke says to her with emotion and sincerity.

"Yeah, the night really got away from us," Alex adds.

"And the twins," I mutter, remembering the gorgeous girls Luke and I danced with. They were the perfect distraction from another girl who'd been stuck on my mind recently. Luke hits my back, giving me a look.

I raise my arms like what? He was certainly enjoying their little dance, watching the way they moved...

"Just please tell me it had nothing to do with getting back at Carrie's dad," Julie replies, a worried expression on her face.

"Pfft, no we wouldn't do that!" I exclaim in a hopefully believable tone.

"Us?" Alex asks, his voice getting very high-pitched.

"No, no," Luke repeats, staring at the ground.

"Of course not," I assure her, even though we know we are telling lies.

"Seriously?" she asks, hurt. "You're lying to me?"

We lower our heads in shame, unable to meet her eyes.

I can't help feeling that we've let down two girls tonight.

"Okay, look, it was something we needed to do," Alex says softly.

"B-but we'll do whatever it takes, we'll play the next school..." Luke promises, desperate to please her.

"What?" Julie asks, taking a step forward. "Another dance where you can bail on me and make me look like a fool? Save it. You know what really sucks? Our songs were good. And all four of you knew what I've been through and how tough it's been for me to play, then you go and do this?"

We look around, noticing that the forth person isn't there.

"Hey, where's Astrid?" I ask her.

"I don't know," Julie replies. "She didn't show up either. I assumed she would be with you."

"She isn't," Luke blurts, though that's obvious now. A guilty expression washes over him. "We haven't seen her in hours."

"Well, bands don't do this to each other," Julie continues. "Friends don't do this to each other. This was a mistake."

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