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→ " Behave for me, alright ? "

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" Behave for me, alright ? "


• No cursing unless it's censored!
Ex. F*ck, Sh!t

• Please be respectful and no bullying :(

• No relationships with underage characters such as Klee and Qiqi or incest relationships.

• All sexualities are allowed and should be respected as well!

• We could roleplay characters from Genshin Impact or OC's!

• At least try to be descriptive,
five lines at the least!

• Third person roleplaying is preferable.
Ex. Venti made his way to the tavern with a pep in his step. He could already guess the outcome of his little excursion, but the hope of getting something to eat as pity from Diluc outweighed the possibility of him getting kicked right back out of the building.

• Play my crush and I'll play yours! Let's be fair ^^ I won't answer if you don't play my crush.

• Follow up, put the same effort of writing in my part as you do for yours. If my part is dry and very short compared to yours that doesn't count as equal treatment here. I try my best to make my replies to your part amazing every time so you should do the same with me please.

• If I don't answer in 3 days tag me, I'm in college so please be considerate...!

• If I don't reply in more than a few days and I reply to others it's either I forgot or I lost interest... I apologize. But if that happens, maybe talk to me and we'll work something out.

• Here's a password-ish thing, what's your favorite Genshin dish?

• No overpowered characters or having the roleplay be based solely on you. Yes you can have your spotlight but there's gotta be stuff happening with other characters.

• Please add some drama whenever you want to :) nothing too over the top but yea. Don't be afraid to converse with me! I'd like new friends.

• Not really a rule but, if you ever wanna Co-Op just send me a PM. Please, I need more friends.

• SMUT WILL BE TAKEN TO PM. I don't mind smut but only in PM.

• Any scenario with an means that it's closed and I'm not going to roleplay it anymore. That is, unless you had started a rp there before I closed the scenario.

It is possible to roleplay in a different platform, just ask me. I like roleplaying on Discord since I can make it all fancy ^^

• Use ' May I? ' For scenarios

• You may tag, just tell me you're doing it.

• Lastly, Have fun!


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