⤠ " Don't worry, I'm here " ⤟

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"  The monster's gone

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"  The monster's gone. He's on the run and your daddy's here. "


[ Imma be honest, the only reason I'm making this scenario is because I made my OC and Kazuha a son and now I'm obsessed with papa Kazuha. Just look at them :<

I referenced heavily off of another drawing

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I referenced heavily off of another drawing. But yea :<<<. I recommend to hear the song on top too for immersion. Let's begin ^^ ]

Years have passed since you have gotten together with [Love interest]. You both fell in love, dated, and now; you two were happily married. You can't imagine a life without them, they complete you entirely.

While settling down and starting a family had seemed like such a far fetched thought for the both of you when you were younger, you two ended up doing just that. Of course, you both still made time for traveling and business, but now you two had a home to come back to. A home to call yours as a symbol of what you've built with your spouse.

Things were lovely, and they got even lovelier when a bundle of joy made its addition into your lives. (Could be adopted or born ^^ )

You both loved your child. [Love interest] seemed to be doing their best to be a great parent as well. It warmed your heart to see them and your child together. Time seemed to fly though because with a blink of an eye, your kid was already 6.

One night, as you and your spouse got ready for bed, little footsteps could be heard outside the door to your shared room.

"Mama/Papa... *sniff* Can I sleep with you tonight?"


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