⤠ " I wonder... " ⤟

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" I wonder what would happen to our visions if we kissed "

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" I wonder what would happen to our visions if we kissed "


This is an introduction to what I want to incorporate in this book and that issss ELEMENTAL KISSES :D Yes character's vision/ body reacts now when they have their very first kiss with another vision holder! (BTW this is a simple Scenario so the rp will end after the kiss and a few small moments after‼️)


It has been a while since you've gotten to experience the raw feeling of love. Although you and your partner, (Love interest), haven't really said those three words to each other yet... the feeling was there. And it was obvious, as obvious as it could be.

The relationship with (Love interest) was slow, everything came at its space like slow burning flame. You both liked this, felt true and long lasting. But how long could you both last without yearning more from each other?

These days it seems as if (Love interest) has been having their head in the clouds more often. Their eyes would linger on your lips, their hugs would tend to last one minute or two longer than they did before, and their eyes follow you more often when you entered a room. It killed you and made you imagine things you could only hope they wished to do with you as well.

Here were you both now, sitting side by side on some grass just near Quingce Village. You were both at a small bamboo forest, where you two viewed a beautiful sunset. The conclusion to a day full of commissions.

Your lover seemed a bit nervous though and, frankly, so were you. Hugging your knees, you try to distract yourself from the tension in the air by listening to the waves crash against the rocks that were just a few feet away.

Then after minutes, (Love interest) turns to you. A blush painting their cheeks.

" There's something I want to talk to you about... "


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