shirt stealing - kingstily/lingston

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Despite what a lot of people thought, Lily and Kingston actually had a pretty good relationship. Sure, they would sometimes let their stubbornness override their love for each other, but for the most part, they were pretty solid, and it was rare to see one of them without the other.

Hence, why it was strange when Kingston showed up to dance rehearsals nearly forty minutes early. Piper and Amy were the only other ones there, since they were both homeschooled, and tended to come to the studio early anyways.

"Yo!" Kingston called out as he entered the studio, his eyebrow furrowing as he looked around for everyone else. "Where is everyone?" He asked and Amy who was currently sitting in her splits and scrolling through social media, responded.

"Still at school or on their way. Piper and I are homeschooled so we come here early. Why are you here?" She asked, looking up at him confused.

"Today's a PD day for my school." He explained and the two girls nodded. Kingston was in a different school system than the rest of the Troupe, mainly because of his issues with keeping up with his homework. It helped him a lot, and his schedule was a lot more open than the rest of them's.

Which meant he was now 40 minutes early to rehearsal and bored out of his mind. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, going and sitting down on one of the benches, his head pressed against the glass of the office as he scrolled through Tik Tok.

Before he knew it, almost everyone was there, and he got nudged out of the trance he was in by Lily who was now sitting next to him. "Hi." She smiled at him and he grinned, kissing her lips quickly.

He pulled back to look at her outfit, her usual dance tights, and his grey long sleeved shirt - the one he had left at her house the other day when they had gotten rained on.

"You look adorable in- wait is that my shirt?" Lily shrugged, grabbing a hair tie out of her dance bag and pulling her long black curls into a high ponytail, wincing at how tight it was as she secured her hair with bobby pins.

Kingston watched her for a moment before nudging her softly. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "It's fine. You look better in it than I do." Lily paused, a bobby pin still trapped between her lips as she blushed.

Kingston grinned, getting up and walking over to the other boys who were excitedly talking about some new movie. He looked back at Lily to see her adjusting the shirt, before smoothing her hands on her thighs.

Yeah, he probably wasn't going to be getting that shirt back anytime soon.

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