festival - pamy friendship

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Amy shuffled through her dance bag, pulling out her regular clothes and slipping her skinny jeans over her Nike Pro shorts, smoothing down the edge of her tank top.

She turned around to see Piper walking in, holding grey slips of paper in her hand. "Amy! There's a festival next weekend, do you wanna go?"

Amy smiled at her best friend, as the shorter girl walked over, her hair flowing down her back rather than in it's usual thick bun. She nodded.

"Yeah sure. Do you want to go just us, or bring the boys as well?" Piper made a slight face at the suggestion and Amy burst out laughing. Their respective boyfriends were definitely not invited then.

"I feel like we haven't had a Pamy hang out day in for-ev-er..." Piper whined and Amy giggled, wrapping her arm around Piper's shoulder. "Ok, definitely no boys then. It'll be a Pamy hang out day only!" Piper grinned at her and Amy grinned back.

This was going to be awesome.

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