practical - pinn

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Usually, Piper is good at dressing for the weather over whether or not she wants to look good. She's always just been practical like that.

But then everyone on A-Troupe decides to go and drive up to Niagara Falls, and the weekend right before, she gets this really cute dress from Garage that's off the shoulder.

And it makes her feel really freaking pretty when she's wearing it and okay maybe she wore it because Finn said she looked cute in it but she's totally not freezing okay?


But she totally is freezing and internally she's cursing herself for being so stupid and everyone else has jackets and Amy even asked her if she needed a jacket when they were getting out of her car and Piper like the dumbass she is, said no. She said no.

So now, she's standing on the bridge freezing her ass off and she wishes she hadn't been so stupid but what's happened has happened. She'll live. It'll be uncomfortable for a bit but she'll live.

After freezing for nearly twenty minutes as everyone took pictures and pointed things to each other, Finn stepped beside her.

"Hey Pipes." He smiles at her, and despite how annoyed she is, she can't help but smile back at him. They aren't dating - not yet, she had wanted to take things slow after DanceMania, but they're something.

He takes in the way she shivers as the cool breeze blows by. "Are you cold?" He asks and she almost forgets how to speak. She goes to shake her head no before she nods slowly.

He slips off his jean jacket and hands it to her. "Here you go." He leans forward and kisses her cheek. Piper stares at him for a moment before slipping it over her shoulders and immediately feeling warmer. Finn smiles at her, pulling her into his arms as he hugs her.

"Thank you." Piper mumbles. Finn laughs quietly. "You're welcome Piper." He rubs his hand over her back gently. "You look really pretty today." Piper grins up at him.

"Thank you." She's blushing for sure. Finn doesn't seem to mind though.

Somehow it's all she needed.

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