sick days - heathizzy

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Being sick sucked, Izzy thought as she stared up at her roof. Because of the fact that she had the flu, she couldn't go to the party Finn was throwing to celebrate TNS's win at Nationals and DanceMania. Her win.

God, this sucked ass. Before she could lament on how much this sucked, she heard knocking on her door. Sighing, she sat up and called out, "Come in!"

To her surprise, it wasn't her mom who walked in, but Heath. He was wearing a hoodie and black jeans. He looked... almost nervous to be in her room. She grabbed her glasses from her dresser, and she could see that he was holding a plate.

"Hey, I, uh brought you some pizza. Since you couldn't come to the party." Izzy smiled at him. Heath sat down on her bed. "Thank you! I would uh, hug you but I don't want to get you sick."

Heath laughed and Izzy soon found herself joining in, before coughing loudly into the crook of her sweater. Heath started rubbing her back and she let out a few more weak coughs before sitting back up.

"You okay?" He asked, handing her her water bottle from where it sat on her dresser. Izzy nodded, grabbing her water bottle from him and taking a large sip. She finished drinking before speaking again.

"Yeah I'm fine. Go back to the party. Have fun." Heath shook his head. "It's fine Iz. Besides, I wanted to hang out with you. Since you can't come to hang out with everyone else?" Izzy smiled softly. "You'll get sick." She told him and Heath shrugged again.

"You're worth getting sick over." Izzy could feel her cheeks flushing. Thank god she had her fever to use as an excuse. Heath slipped into the blankets beside her, and he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Izzy bit down on her lip before turning so she was facing him, burying her face into his chest and breathing in his cologne. Heath leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

If this was how all sick days were going to go, maybe she could get sick more often.

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