cologne - richozzy

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Richelle sighed as she stretched in Studio A, her hair pulled into a low bun out of her face. She was waiting for Ozzy to get there so they could practice their duet for Internationals. Since they were both 18, they were going to compete in the Senior division, with the rest of A-Troupe competing in the Junior division.

After nearly five minutes of waiting, she rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone from the side where she had put it down, sending Ozzy a quick text asking where he was. Less than a minute later, she heard footsteps and Ozzy walked through the door, a sheepish grin on his face.

"Sorry!" He said as he jogged over to her. "West's hip hop class went on longer than I thought it would." Richelle rolled her eyes. Of course it did.

Ozzy opened his arms for a hug and Richelle stared at him for a moment before stepping forward and wrapping her arms around him. She breathed in, her eyebrows furrowing as she realized that Ozzy was wearing cologne.

"Is that a new cologne?" She asked pulling away and Ozzy looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah. Why?" He asked and Richelle felt her cheeks heating up as she stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No reason. Smells nice." She replied, looking away from him. Ozzy laughed and Richelle rolled her eyes, placing her phone back on the ground and turning back to face him.

"Okay. Time to work." Ozzy grinned at her. "Yes Ma'am!" Richelle smirked.

Maybe working with Ozzy wouldn't be so bad. Maybe.

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