chapter 5

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The next morning Meg and Jenny were awoken to the smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs and French toast.

Jenny sat up, sniffing happily. "Mmm..." she hummed, half asleep. Her hair was messy and her whole face could be seen, even the faint scar over her eye.

Meg sniffed the food and licked her lips, still lying down with her eyes shut. She was glad to discover yesterday was not a dream. "Extra bacon, please..." she murmured in her sleep.

"We have to go to Mom..." Jenny muttered a little. She got up and slipped out of bed and padded to the bedroom door.

"Huh?" Meg finally woke up and wiped her face clean. "That was weird... I was having a dream about Justin Timberlake and then he turned into a pile of six foot tall bacon."

"JT? Girl, Orlando Bloom in blond is where it's at..." Jenny said, still half asleep even as she walked.

"Oh, please." Meg told her, playfully and walked to get some breakfast with her.

"Please what? You want him? Tough..." Jenny said, playfully even though half asleep. She never woke up fully until after breakfast and a coffee.

Maria hummed as she cooked. "Morning, girls." she called through to the hallway.

Meg laughed quietly, then was surprised by Maria. "Oh, good morning..." she said, rubbing her eye a little and sniffed the food better. "Wow, if I didn't know any better, I'd say I was in a breakfast restaurant."

"Less talk more food..." Jenny chuckles. She then slid into her chair. "Not morning yet..." she says.

Maria chuckled a little herself and placed a cup of coffee down for Jenny. "Drink that, and I like to cook, Meg, sit down and I'll get you a drink too." she told them, smiling.

"Agreed," Meg told Jenny, then took her spot at the table. "Umm... Got any apple juice?"

Jenny grabbed her cup of coffee and took a drink from it like it was the last of it's kind.

Maria smiled. "Of course, hon." she said. She went to get Meg the cup of Apple juice.

Meg smiled and sniffed the air. "I hope the food tastes as great as it smells." she chuckled a bit.

Jenny nodded. "It always is..." she said.

Maria came back with the cup of juice. She handed it to Meg and then plated everything up for the three of them.

"Oh, boy!" Meg beamed, then helped herself to getting some food on her plate. She knew she wasn't dreaming now.

Jenny started to eat the food her mom put in front of her. Maria smiled and sat down herself to eat.

"Thank you so much, if there's anything I can ever do for you, let me know." Meg said as she happily ate.

Jenny smiled softly.

Maria smiled at Meg. "Just keep being Jenny's friend, Meg..." she whispered so only Meg could hear.

Meg smiled brightly and happily kept eating. Jenny seemed to wake up after she finished eating. Maria had got them up so Jenny's slow wake up would be okay and not make them late for school.

Meg finished and she excused herself from the table. "Better get moving."

Jenny did too. "Thanks, Mom..." she said and then took Meg upstairs to get the girl some clothes too.

"Your mother's really good." Meg smiled, following Jenny back to her bedroom.

"Yeah, she's not like most moms." Jenny told Meg.

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