Wake up

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Slightly her body twitched under the wreckage of the small shuttle. Flames licked the air all around the survivor. Thanks to her helmet and her armour she had survived.

The Aegis platform was a second outer skin for millions of elite users. Protecting its user from a very large spectrum of radiation and other hazardous environments; it was nearly unrivalled in its abilities.

The black helmet became lighter as it provided a local source to its camouflage. It had a skin tight appearance. The faceplate itself was as unique as a fingerprint.

A 3.5 foot long block of KorTrat was mounted to her back. Another unique detail was an  "A" like emblem in the hilt marked her as an Atoma. This was incorporated with a sea serpent on it. This would denote the bearer of this weapon was a mixed breed.

What the Laquin Command and the staunch Atoma Brotherhood deemed as; "barbaric" an "abomination" to "be killed on site" a "hybrid."

She was a forbidden blending of what never should have been. One of its kind. Part Atoma part Laquin.

Her helmet retreated from her neck and face. Her silver eyes sprung open. She instantly began reaching for her legs. Like the pain had taken the long way to make it to her mind; she began to push debris off of her.

As a heavy bulkhead rolled away from her; she caught sight of the stars above her. She froze as her mind raced to the last moment she had of her father. She lingered in sweet memory for a few moments. Just before sorrow made it way to her heart; she looked away as, even SHE knew the obvious truth. She didn't recognize the stars at all. "Oh dad you would like it here..." she whispered to herself.

Large astral bodies consumed the horizon. It looks like a gas giant with several moons. She shook in fear, but she took the feeling of fear And pushed the it into a rational thought. "I'm obviously not on earth."

Stopping there she caught sight of a large creature disappearing into the nearby forest.  A new unknown fear creeped closer in her mind. Thinking to her self she said; "That's about enough truth for today." Already her head was clearing and her former life became less and less reality. She sighed as the pain increased. She sat down and rested her hands against the titanium beam.

She closed her eyes and breathed slowly.  Then as she began Opening them ready to take on a new moment; her world shattered.

"Just relax kid." A groggy voice spoke.
She looked down towards the sound. It was the armoured man from the vessel. "It won't hurt- if anything it will help you."  She looked at his armoured face and slowly approached him.

She noticed a yellow energy leaving everything non organic, it was channeling towards her. This energy seemed to convert to a healing ability. Her body was; marginally, less sore. Looking at him she asked; "You ok?"

His name came to mind. As she caught sight of his face plate.
"Your name is Cred." She expelled from her mouth. Hesitantly he looked toward her. "Glad you remember me. Could you now perhaps remember how to help me out of this?"  He struggled to move.

The beams and support struts had nearly severed one of his feet. It would have been impossible for him to walk.

Searching the ship she discovered a strong section of cables. Looping them and knotting them, she made a makeshift rope. Looping the "rope" under Creds arms she grunted and pulled him free.

As they rested 100ft or more from the wreck they watched it burn. Some fuel sources ruptured as a large orange and black mushroom cloud roared into the sky.

"I know who you are, even what you are; but I can't figure out why you are helping me." She said watching the fire.
"I was in the area" you might say." He folded his helmet up.

His hair was shaved very short. His Piercing blue eyes shifted back and forth from the fire. She could see a large scar under his left eye. She remembered vaguely a scar under a left eye was often given to traitors of the empire. He was clean shaven too- he didn't look like a traitor.

"You might remember your name and even the family you belong to." Cred seemed to hint. Maybe trying to trigger a memory. It worked. Like what she would call an ice cream headache set in behind her eyes.

"I belong to the house of the Emperor." She said in a odd tone. Like she was sad she wasn't human. Or like she was regretting allowing the old memories to die a painful death. "I am Nector's granddaughter." She restated.

"I'm impressed your memory is coming back quickly Zephyr. Even your abilities seem like they will be back soon."

"Sorry it's an off day." She winked at him.
"Hey that sounded like you... is it coming back?" She nodded as she frowned. "I liked my former life a lot. I feel like I'm dying. Well I feel like part of me is dying." He reached out and patted her leg.

"It's ok kid," looking around he became aware of the sound of water.

"I can hear running water." Listening carefully Zephyr nodded. "It's ok, there is a small creek over here." She pointed.

Helping each other up they walked over to the creek. The water hissed as they both entered the water. Extracting the atoms out of water was something Atoma children learned. Both smiled as they felt renewed and "recharged." Although Cred was not an Atoma; he did however have similar abilities and healed much the same way.

They took turns recovering as the other protected the other. Basic bounty Hunter logic. Yet only hours ago the female was ignorant of who she really was. Even if she was asked- she likely didn't even have the answer. She had only more questions for Cred.

But rather than of her home or her brothers and sister; she found herself very worried about a person named- "zephyr!" Cred spoke to her from within her own mind now. The Neuro- link: the chat room of your mind.  Her mind focused back to the present and her train of thought was derailed.

"Low flying shuttle." He pointed as he placed another bet that his armour is hiding their bio signals.

The shuttle carried around 18 passengers, and two crew. It's boxy body hummed noisily in the air. Curious as to where this shuttle called home; They followed on foot. "That shuttle isn't friendly Cred." He snickered;
"Who's friendly anymore Zee?"

Creds helmet did a non invasive scan of the shuttle. "The shuttle is bear class tug. Human federation design. It has and upgraded outer hull." He sighed "Its Raven's Calling." She sighed as well.
"So do we want a ship or not Cred?" She asked amongst her running. They both continued running as Cred made the decision.
"We don't have much of a choice."

They ran for 30 kilometres or more till they could see a large complex. Cred scanned covertly as possible. "7 hydra class rail guns on 7 turrets. Looks like 4 shuttles and one ship I haven't seen before. It has odd markings on it.

They both became aware of a enemy patrol in their immediate proximity. "We will attempt to evade them." Cred took point and lead Zephyr closer to the hangers. They very carefully infiltrated the complex and began collecting information on the group.

The arrival of the shuttle coincided with an apparent shift change. They had the distraction on their side. It took minimal effort to gain access to the complex.

Zephyr suddenly stopped and looked towards the only building. "That building is being powered by an incredible power source." She looked at the building at the atomic level. At its core she could see a body with power diverting from it.

"No; more accurately; That building is using an Atoma as a reactor. And I think that reactors name is Atiera."

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