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The vessel seemed to be alone in the asteroid field. Among the chaotic objects and projectiles, Its crescent shape blended into the surroundings. The small attack class vessel scanned relentlessly.

Zephyr had chosen to use this time to leave the bridge, by this time. She had thought it better to be using her time doing maintenance work. The captain of this vessel was of vessel was Zephyr. However, as she was also the only crew member that knew this class of engine design that also meant she inherited every other position by default.

Alaric curled up nearby as she programmed an AI program into her father's vessel. The creature seemed to sigh almost like he was bored. Glancing out of the corner of her eye she smiled "I know Alaric; it's kinda boring doing this stuff." Her hair was still tied up behind her head. Her eyes twinkled in the low light. She continued to reassure her companion.

"One day, we will have so much to do; we will wish we had these moments back." She smiled and paused and wondered if those words would come true.

She enjoyed these moments of being occupied with work. Her father's vessel was a cornerstone in her mind. A Legend amongst other great vessels. The Odin, Helios, Thor's Hammer, The Meido, and various others fell into the Legendary category.

"Commander," Wyn's voice echoed in her earpiece. "A mission-critical event is taking place... I believe we found it."

Zephyr tapped "Upload" and smirked. "Be right there Wyn." She felt Alaric Merge with her and she found her way back to the bridge. Leaving the room the upload progress began. The program was called "MIA."

Entering the bridge, a wireless network updated Zephyr of what they had discovered.

In the darkness of space, a vague outline could be made out. It was a familiar shape, for she knew it well.

"That's The Enigma!" She laughed. "That's my old ship!" The team smiled and continued to scan. "It's hard to tell Commander, but the power signature was more of a beacon. Once we were within 60,000 km it beacon stopped." Braden said looking back over his shoulder at the commander.

"Bring us in closer if we can." Wyn nodded
"Yes, mam. The debris will limit us, but ill does my best."

"Full power to shields, and take us in. Braden, please continue to scan our aft." Braden nodded to zephyrs command.

Small utility drones were launched. The small spherical orbs had very bright work lights. The sinister nature of the Enigma was revealed.

The vessel on it's own merits was a very deadly medium cruiser. It toted Hex-Cannons and self repairing hulls. These were just the start of its load out.

The Bow of the vessel had 8 torpedo launchers  10 phaser banks and emitters. The wing tips concealed an additional 10 ordinance launchers each.

It was strange to say the least to see the Enigma in the state it was in. Observing the scorch marks and buckled hull; it was obvious it had been hit with every type of ballistic and energy based weapon. The Enigma had been hit by rail gun, small to medium holes peppered all over it.  It looked very Much like a large animal lifelessly hanging in the blackness of space. It tugged at her heart to see her ship like this.

Watching from her bridge Zephyr engaged her helmet. Her digitalized voice emitted. "Ill take it from here." Running towards one of the two air locks; she jumped and phased through the door into the void of space.

On the view screen, they watched as their commander used her atomic abilities to create thrust and propelled herself towards the Enigma. As they watched, Braden mulled over an idea.

"You know...she cares little for us. She's not even paid to care." He tried to sell Wyn this line of reasoning.  He continued; "She wont even shed a tear over us if she gets us killed."

Wyn rolled her head to the left. "Then why did she learn our names. Why allow us to call her by her personal name." Her face scrunched in disgust.

Feeling the full force of her rejection; he looked away as she made eye contact with him. Smiling now she resumed her duties. Furrowing her eyebrows she asked, "When was the last time you checked our aft sensors?" The tone of annoyance was strong in her voice.

"Why?" He retorted. Shocked she looked at him, "Check our Aft now Crewman!" He sluggishly typed and poked different commands. He too furrowed his eye brows.

"Contact in aft quadrant. It's about the same size of us. As He said this he began to lean forward. "Only one life-form aboard."

A fleeting look of panic swept Wyn's face. "It could be a black hunter."

Several bolts of weapons fire stuck the shields of the Wolf. "Ragnar Assault Class vessel 100,000 kms and closing!" He cycled the shields and looked to the pilot. "Are you going to lay down your life for this merc Wyn??" She hesitated and frowned.

"Commander! Sea Wolf is taking fire! Shields holding but if we stay here we will not survive its attack!" Looking to her crewmen "Ill try and hack the command codes and see if I can by pass the weapon lock out." What seemed like an eternity passed. More bolts collided with the Sea Wolfs protective grid.

They both were very nervous without weapons on line. It was a protocol Nevicks Followed on peaceful missions to turn off their weapons. Nervous crew members often spawned enemies in potential friends.

"Wyn, The commander cant hear us. The Coms must be jammed." Wyn thought about what her cowardly crewman had said. Grabbing the sliding throttle she sighed. "Hang on Bray." She slammed the stick forward and spiralled down deep into what would have been, for anyone else; certain death.

Aboard the Enigma.

Hanging in the zero gravity she slowly opened her eyes. Her body rippled with blue static like energy. "Report?" She asked her onboard computer.

"You gained access to the vessel via air lock. After the air lock would not open; you tried to disintegrated the hatch. There was a build up of active atoms from within you." The Digial yet soothing voice explained.

"Am I ok?" She asked sighing as she didnt need the whole story. "Am I the same as i was before i entered the enigma?" Her heart sank at the reply.
"Negative Commander."
She immediately replied to the computer; "Explain."
"Your body had been infused with a classified and particularly dangerous Partical."
"Classified? Can i absorb it?"
"The accuracy of saying no isn't entirely the truth. However Commander- you will never be able to absorb it." She sighed.
"Is it life-threatening?"
"Yes commander, it could kill you given the chance." Zephyr annoyed with the cryptic responses; blinked in floating silence. Noticing Alaric floating close by- her heart sank.
"Is Alaric ok?'

Her visor began a scan of his biometrics. Her onboard computer replied; "It would appear he has absorbed it in part too," the onboard computer stated. "However Commander- I believe the bond you share helped."

Zephyr clenched her fist and floated towards her companion. The Computer started another question that did not help her building rage. She cradled his limp body and contemplated how to right this wrong.

"The Mordor has suffered a great deal of Atomic and subatomic restructuring. In a very real way, he is no longer the same creature." Energy began to build in her fists. Reaching out she found The Enigma's Reactor. She funnelled the energy into it, Much like a shock to the heart- The Enigma was reborn.

"Jägerklinge" - "Hunter's Blade"Where stories live. Discover now