Always watching

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The Enigma and its crew remained dormant, while it slowly rolled in the blackness of space. Small lights flickered and strobed. An insignificant screen lit up as its flashing alert froze on the screen.

An armored boot silently pressed against the floor plating as its owner advanced through the ship. Despite being another advanced race; he was still mostly human. As he walked past the 24hr clock, one could easily notice; time was not advancing.

It was rumoured there were beings of great scientific studies that had the ability to slow alter or even stop the flow of time. Frequently a tell tail sign that temporal skills were being used was extreme nausea. This time, however; no one would be even aware he was here.  He finished his scans and record-keeping.

He took a special interest in the two humanoids. Looking towards Zephyr his helmet tipped lower as he watched the flow of power hanging in the air. He had spent many accelerated years looking for the omega partial. Over 1000 years to be more precise. His mind raced with possibilities.

A low rumble shook him to his foundation. The eyes of Alaric and the Intruder met from accross the room. Gulping hard the intruder updated The Narrative of the existence of Mordars and their immunity towards temporal abilities. He braced for an attack.

Alaric was immune to temporal events and now separated from his Master. Looking down the man backed up. No matter the skill used- Alaric identified him as a threat. In a burst of speed the Mordar had bitten into the arm of the man. As time resumed - A loud shout filled the room.

The two now aware of his presence, sprung to their feet and drew their swords. Normally when encountering resistance; he created a portal and returned to his hidden society and he was only remembered as a glitch or abnormality.

However when Alaric bit the man; his jaws locked and his teeth penetrated his armour. Mordars have a very deadly neurological venom. They are also the only anti venom. Alaric coiled around his victim with his long whip like tail.

"Who are you!?" Mia shouted.

Looking down to his arm he looked up and then down again. Zephyr looked on as she lowered her sword.  She laughed and lowered Mia's sword. "Mavrice..." Looking up he appeared helpless.

"Please remove your friend from me," he stated almost with no emotional cues. 

"Why can't I feel my arm?" he said quietly to himself.

"Theres a neurotoxin that is very rapidly making its way into your brain stem. Once it has reached saturation- it will slowly shut down all body functions. But before that, " she smiled as she realized what Mavrice was terrified of; "you will enter a comatose state. Just Imagine the discoveries we will make as we pick apart your technology." Alaric held tight as he resisted Mavrice's slight movements. Desperation began to take root as some numbness began to creep it's way up to his shoulder.

"What do you want with me Zephyr?!" she walked up to him and rested her silver blue eyes on him. "Leave us alone..." her eyes glowed blue as Alaric released the anti-venom and removed himself from the right arm of Mavrice. Mia transported him off the vessel in the next instant.

A strange silence washed over the ship. No one had ever touched a Sancton; nevermind threaten and harm. One by one Mia slumped to the ground followed by Zephyr. Creeping closer to his master; Alaric too fell into a deep sleep.

The Enigma would continue to be free of any kind of time stops or intrusions. Unknown to them; the race that had been watching over their galaxy's; considered The Enigma a black zone. A zone never to be returned to.

Weeks passed.

Waking Zephyr stood up and struggled her way to an airlock. Looking back over her shoulder she sighed and hit the open button. The door sprang open and she was sucked out into the void of space.

The convenient location of a nearby nebula would prove to be a valuable source of energy. She needed just to top off her energy. As she began to feed; she noticed she was starving. The nebula, which was the size of a solar system was reduced to a small planet. Possibly it's source of origin.

Her consumption of the nebula was observed by a small Laquin Science vessel. In their eyes, in their own beliefs; she was NiraWellum. A being of great mystery and power. Her reputation would travel like an unstoppable fire; Both to her credit and to her chagrin.

Spotting the planet, she focused energy and began travelling at sub-light speeds. Inspecting the planet she could detect a pre-warp civilization. Turning she saw The Enigma approaching. Looking down to the planet Zephyr tried to reason with herself. Despite being pre-warp; there was nothing that said she couldn't visit...quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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