Drums of War

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Wyn dropped to the floor with no life in her. Braden stood close by holding her helmet. The pilot's betrayal was quick. For a moment Braden looked down at his friend. He tightened his lips and sat down in the female's chair. Grabbing the throttle he resumed his course.  A small flick of Wyn's finger went on Unnoticed.

He adjusted the flow of power to the reactor and prepared to jump to FTL. He braced himself against the Chair and slammed the throttle back. Every light-emitting source suddenly went black. He could even hear the reactor power down.

"Computer are you online?" A moment or so passed by. He reached up to his helmet and turned on his nearly invisible beam of photons. Standing from the chair in the now silent vessel. He realized the body of Wyn was missing.

As his primal fear began to compromise his mind. Dark shadows whether imagined or not, began to crowded the corners of his eye. He flipped out a small device and began to download the schematics of the vessel.  "A R M O R Y" he typed. A red banner barred his device. Written in Jäger was  "NOT ONLINE." He sighed and shook in secret.

"Braden Talos..." A low voice said among the empty halls. Jumping he looked up.
"Wha?! Who's there?" he waited nervously as he peeked his head around corners and all the dark spots on the bridge. Seeing nothing he realized he couldn't move his legs. His heart was already slamming in rhythm inside his chest cavity.

"Why did you do that to Wyn?" Again the voice was darker but it possessed a female source. "Who's there? Is that you Wyn?" He tried to smile his fears away. "We are going back to Command and we will be reassigned!" He nervously spat as he spoke.

Hearing no reply he looked to his small device. It appeared to be something he had engineered. It looked like it was one of a kind.

"Mr Talos;" the voice began, "You will most certainly have a hard time going anywhere." He sharpened his eyebrows.
"Why you think that?" As he listened to the next sentence he realized how "Boned" he was.

"When the commander left the vessel, she locked out all weapons. This would include the hand weapons and some large items in the galley." The voices tone began to sound more and more human. As well its source seemed to swirl in the air around Braden.

"I wont die for that Coo-Poo!" He stated loudly.
"That was apparent by the trail of urine you left as you ran away from the Ragnar Vessle... Oh i should mention it was me that targeted its port engine. It was also me that disabled it." She scoffed in tone.
"YOU? Let's see: what did you do? You tried to kill a very good pilot."
"Tried?" He asked. Perhaps he had thought he killed her. Maybe thats how her body disappeared? His line of thinking began to shark tooth.

His stoic look returned to his face. "How long have you been in control Zephyr?" The voice now seemed to be coming from directly behind him. Close to the view screen. "She told you to watch the aft section of the ship." He slowly faced the voice. "I only turned out the lights. I'm not a fan of killing, i imagine you might be thankful for that."  She raised her hand to his head. His eyes rolled and he collapsed.  

She apparently had found a way to convinced his mind to shut down. As Unharmed his body might have beem; his career as a private contractor for the Nevick bounty hunter empire was Over.

"Mia!" Zephyrs voice echoed over the ships speakers.
"Hello commander, it is a pleaser to hear your voice again." She opened a door and pulled Wyns body back close Braden's. "Are you ok?'
"Yes commander, I am fuctioning wel with in-" 
"Mia.... we talked about this." She interrupted he only ally. Thinking for a few more seconds she rolled her head, and in the blackness; Her bald head grew shoulder length hair-snow white in color. A very attractive looking 19 year old appeared.

Her black pearly eyes only slightly whitened around the corners. As Her matter realigned a modest uniform appeared. A sheelved jacket, looking very synthetic. Yet armoured; the value of her armour is low.

She however, had the rare trait of not needing any.Her Alloys we're of a synthetic korTrat and Highly refined korTrat mix. The two alloys together in the way Mia had been built, would be envied all over the Galaxy. It had no known weaknesses.

The huffy 19 year old Mia replied with an annoyed frown. "Everything is fine Commander, it was a wise move to have me installed and ready incase they deviated from the plan."  Mia rolled her neck and acted like she was listening to a familiar song.

Sound doesn't travel in space. But she could "hear"her ship. "You are nearby?' And you have found the Enigma?!" She smiled and a small tear rolled from her grey-blue eyes.

"The Sea Wolf is shut down at its reactor. We are not going anywhere." The AI stopped suddenly as a twinkle of blue energy spiralled around her android eyes. "What was that?" Again Zephyr paused and a slight hint of fear trailed in her sentence. "Ive been infected Mia." Raising an eye brow.
"With what Zephyr?" She breathed in and tried hard not to act scared.

"I have reason to believe I've been infected with the Omega Partical." Mia, Ran to her side.

With in moments Zephyr was on her back in the med bay. Mia transported directly to her. Forcably she began to examine the humanoid.
"Hey hey! Mrs grabby hands. Ill lay down." She protested.
"Mia Artificial Life-form conducting examination;" the Android followed protocol perfectly. She was now recording a memory bank exam of her patient.

At times as the android removed sections of the hunters armour zephyr had to slap her hands to remind Mia; She was not deceased and her bedside manor was rusty.

Hours had passed and Alaric and Zephyr were still knocked out. Mia watched the passive energy discharge took place. Swirls of Blue static like energy whispered in the air.

Mia held her chin with a perplexed look. Slowly a warmth of a smile grew on her face. She loved the fact for once. her life just might change. It was the first time, with all of her knowledge of the universe and secret agendas; She had no idea what to do.

Mia watched over Zephyr with a mother's diligence. The blue hue of her companion cooled the room but also reflected a somewhat worried Android. All the while the blue energy formed a bond.

The energy had been learning. It formed opinions and made a logical choice. The room flashed and a small hick-up in the flow of space-time appeared. When such things happen; it NEVER goes unnoticed.

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