Active Duty

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Some time had passed after being restored to her family. She spent weeks getting to know the events that became history. It was difficult to know some friends and family were missing in action. It was harder to know her brother Jonah was missing and presumed dead.

There was a great deal of confusion in regards to her family and how she fit into it. But it took a lot to throw Zephyr. She rarely felt sorry for herself.

She carried a small black fabric bag over her armoured body. The command center was busy with all levels of  bounty hunters. Mostly Nevicks were. Stationed here but; this facility harboured all clans. She walked with her helmet down.

Attracting some attention due to her looks and beauty, she reasoned, "Maybe ill wear my helmet while I'm herer...".

Thinking about the command the helmet  grew from the back around her neck. Her hair was pinned down and secured. She had learned her lesson and lost some hair. As saint like as she often acted, if you dared to mess with her hair; Death was considered a mercy.

Stopping in her steps, she looked behind her as the crowed halls of feared and very dangerous parted with much haste. To say they were frightened?  History would be merciful and recorded the general feeling in the hallways that day as "unexpected." But to be honest; perhaps seeing the most feared 4 legged creature in several universes trot happily towards the young Zephyr, May have been slightly "Alarming."

The hallways split with much haste as She smiled and cheerfully called her companion.

"Alaric? Stop teasing the boys!" Her near nuclear smile was hidden behind her faceplate.

At the last second Alaric leaped and fused into Zephyr's body. Like metal shavings his physical  body merged into hers .

Perhaps with a little more respect, the population of the hallway resumed their milling about and their duties.

Her comms chimed. "Hunter, a bounty has assigned to you." The information regarding the prey was then transmitted. Nodding she accepted the hunt.

"You will investigate the sporadic long range sensor array. Some damage has been sustained to an ..."

"Bla bla bla, yeah i got it. Poke around and hope you find something." She frowned to herself. She had hoped to be working on another project or maybe looking into her own mysteries. But this was an actual Job. She had to actually do something... Even if she felt it was below her.

She sent a digital vessel request form to the Nevick server. She was Nectors granddaughter, she still suffered from debt; Much like her ancestors and their ancestors before them.

A small Fee was added to that debt as a "Sparrow" class vessel landed near her position in the cargo bay. Looking it over she noticed the name of the vessel. "Well hello old girl, What are you doing on the ship rotation?" The SeaWolf was a trustworthy vessel. It was also her fathers.

Once inside she spotted her crew. Two humans. A male and a female. "GrotDaygen" they chimed in Jäger. They bowed slightly. Slowly she nodded.

"I'm grateful for your presence, however this is irregular. I don't mean to be rude but, what are you doing on my vessel?" She reached for  her sword that now upside down on her back.

"We were assigned by your father my lady." The male stated. Most crew members were simple pilots hired by the Nevick Empire. The idea was to allow the crew to focus on the vessel, and the hunters on the hunt.

Most of the time, the crews were lost. Either in battle or some other cosmic abnormality that even science had a hard time explaining.

They wore only a fabric suit with a modest helmet. Their visors were tinted but they were semi see thru. Their eyes rolled from left to right as The bounty hunter did what she did best.

"You are both NCO's" she said in her most intimidating voice. Even tho she smiled  in secret.

"Yes commander." They said in a normal tone.

As Zephyr inspected her crew of two, she ran their DNA through the Nevicks Archives. She paused slightly as she realized; both their family's had been Eradicated. She only replied; "Take your positions." She hid her knowledge well as she took the command chair.

"Set course for the targets area." They replied in Jäger with; "Amon" or basically "So be it."

The vessel fired up the main engines and Vectored its way out of the facility. A moment or so passed as the male crewmen shot glances at the female pilot. "Yes Crewman?" She noticed the looks. "Pilot, protocol requires only thrusters in cargo bays or hanger areas."

"Is this true pilot?" Zephyr asked immensely    enjoying trying to be strict with them.

"Yes commander i used the main engine. However as  part of my preflight i checked for updates such as hanger and cargo bay protocols. I expected you to be in a hurry." The pilot smiled and paused.
"So I requested an exemption for take off."

The male crew mate slowly turned his head away from the pilot in embarrassment.

A long pause settled into the bridge. Then Zephyr asked the Crewman. "Did YOU know we could do that?" He grumbled quietly, "No commander."
"Zephyr." She corrected the Crewman
"Mamm?" He asked in confusion.
"Oh gosh no, Call me Zephyr."

"Amon." They awkwardly responded.

She didn't say anything at the time, But both of their parents served as Nevicks. They lost their lives protecting a bounty hunter legend known as "Leviathan" or otherwise know as "Her father."

The main drive engine powered down as the nimble ship slipped into the new galaxy. The Crewman began to read out the sensor logs "Lots of astral bodies, lots of asteroids and debris. It's almost like there was a-"

"Battle here." Zephyr finished his sentence. she squinted as she could hear the klaxon alarm ringing. It took her a second realize; the sound was in her mind. Focusing she pushed her self back to the present.

"Raise shields defensive positions." She said calmly. She reached into herself with her mind and found a calm feeling. With the calm feeling at hand; she transmitted that feeling to her crew.

The Female Pilot spoke in a near happy tone. "Commander, there is an object not moving like an asteroid out there." Laughing slightly Zephyr nodded.
"Explain what you just said." She smiled and looked at her commander.
"Since we have been in this area it has taken up a position behind us."

Widening her eyes she yelled. "BRACE!!" The bridge shook as a Klaxon warned of an attack.

"Return fire." She commanded.
"Firing!" The aft weapons erupted with directed fire. Pelting the smaller craft it turned and jumped to FTL speed.

"I didn't get a clear scan of the vessel but i believe it is a human federation attack vessel." The pilot explained.

"It will be back. Keep looking for it, Wyn." She said realizing she had used the pilots name. She paused and then said. "I know protocol. I also know your names. I believe both facts can coexist." She said cryptically.

Excerpt from Nevick Human employment contract;

"The Crew of The Empires Vessel's shall study and observe the Commander of said vessel. Further the Crew shall be, and therefor be sworn to; familiarize themselves with their commander.  Said commander is not required to do so in return."

They continued with the mission all the while, literally looking all over their shoulders for any threat. All the while they did so, Wyn and Braden observed and studied.

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