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Herobrine took a gaze at the window every minute hoping Wilbur would come back sooner, ‘c'mon c'mon...’ He walk around for a few times, the guards look at him taking a gaze and trying not to look at the bottom part of the King's Fiance, cause they know that death will be after them,Notch teleport inside seing his worried brother, “Hero?” He ask in a calm but worried tone, the younger male just took a gaze and continue to took gaze to the window “Yes brother?” he said in a quick tone Notch took a deep breath and sights, He then grab his little brother's wrist and made him sit ,“ Calm. Down, they will all be fine” Notch said Hero only sight and Stood up “But..” he walked near the window and look at his brother's orbs “you know Jschlat brother.. ” Notch rush towards him and Hugged him “But you know Techno and Wilbur.. they won't just loose specially they are together” Notch said ,Hero hugged his brother back “yea..”

Clay Hugged Dave for a moment till he saw Jschalt about to stab him, Clay rapidly Push his lover away,

(.            .)

Clay reached the floor bleeding,“CLAY!” Dave shouted, Dave rush over his lover holding his hands “Please Clay no,no,no don't leave me.. please..” Dave said tears falling down, Clay rub his hands to Dave's cheeck, “I-..I.. Lo-ove.. I.. Love.y-you” Clay said his last words before falling asleep, Dave shake his lover trying to make him stay, once the others arrived Bad look at his Friend in shock falling to the floor Dave draw his sword gripping it tightly and facing Jschlat ,Jschlat stood it shock knowing what he have done and awakening the King's Demon inside, Dave look at Jschlat filled with hate, anger, pain, and sadness, all he want now is revenge..


You have reach the end..

I'll make a second book don't worry, this is just book one.. UnU

The book 2 will come out this month near February but not exactly February

TwT cya in the next book

I've published a new book by the way, and it might make you relate.. it's not gonna make you cry,

Please check it out

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