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Dream slowly step out of the room going to the library only to found the two other males, “I heard your moans last night and you should keep them down” Dream only chuckled at Daryll “Says you moaning Zak's name!” Hero then starting to fall asleep again, “Oh did Wilbur go hard?”Dream smirked making the younger one glare,“Be thankful my brother removed my other side and half of my powers, if not I'll strike you with a lightning right now, You moan Dave! All night” Dream laughs and look at Daryll “well it was Daryll's first time tho!” Hero shoot another Glare “The retired Kung just took my virginity!” both of them sat straight in shock, both looking at Hero then at each other, “No way.. ITS JUST FIRST TIME TOO!?” Hero only Burried his face on his arms “Mmhmmm”the three if them chat for hours before thier mate's come one by one to get them all

Now let's continue
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Illumna have arrived to the castle about to visit The King for another meeting, he was walking on the hallways finding the meeting room ended I'm the library, Only to found a younger male with white eyes ,brown dark chocolate hair and tan skin ,Those eyes was half lidded only making Hero cuter ,Illumna can't help but admire the male, whose just trying to wake himself to finish the book,  Wilbur then noticed the other, and shooting a death glare at Illumna knowing what he will do, Wilbur only leans closer to the younger male picking him up and carrying him back to the room, Hero only fall asleep on Wilbur's arm not even a single protest happened showing that he was so tired, Illumna Can't help but grit his teeth and walk away

Now I don't know here

About my face reveal it's a joke maybe sooner ,I look like a kid


Now I'mma let you decide in the next chapter

Okay now Wilbur have a rival

Dave have a rival

And Zack don't have one..

Who. Should. It. Be.


Okay I need help now Wattpad sometimes block my update and it makes me change things in the story to upload it, Can someone tell me why do i need to restore my Revinsion or somethin

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