Crown's 2

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So yeah I'm lazy to update this last day, sorry if the updates would be slower since I'm kind off being lazy somewhat busy

Dave's POV

I watch Clay clapped and smile softly as I won, I then have him a flying kiss, showing off to him, ofcourse, “NEXT ROUND, MUD FIGHT!” well that is easier since me and the others played it alot, I don't know about the other King's ,the repertoire then signed us to began I then throw a mud to the other one and the other and dodge the muds, it's easy since they never played this ,and one last hit the repertoire signed us to stop, eventually I won

-i need to skip this parts-

In the break

I walked up towards my mate and kissed him “you did a great job honey, I see you still remember what Gorge thought you” I smirked and kisses him more ,I then saw one of the King glared at me ,did I just made an enemy? Nahh

As the last game starts something was off

Sword's,shield,and ...
Notch?! What is he doing here?!... I then look at the other side of the throne, HEROBRINE?! Aren't they are enemies?

“our Lord will just have a quick announcement today before our last game continue”

I then look up at the Demon ,he seemed calm as ever.. is he even a Demon? Then I looked at Notch, “As you see Herobrine is youngest brother ”all stood in shock ...BROTHER?! SINCE WHEN!? Notch just continue “I decided to maybe make him fit in to this world without causing destruction or evilness, my brother was once one of the Youngest Heroes in this world, but it comes in end, it's fine tho he was back now.. I'm here to came of a warning, Entity 303 was about to spread more merciless and evilness, wars might risen, but don't worry , sure we will catch him” he finished sitting back near his brother, Hero looked around calmly then stopped at me “...He is coming here for you blood god, he doesn't want a mere human to have his name ,he wants to be stronger so he might try to get you in a duel or a death war” I stood in more shock WHY ME?! OUT OF ALL PEOPLE WHY ME!!? I them looked at Clay whose worried,despite sadness and fear filling him “alright FOR THE LAST GAME,.. THE KING'S VS THIER QUEEN'S MANHUNT(what am I doing?)

Tbc Don kill me


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