Died or survived

623 9 3

Notch Hid a knife that had a poison in it, just a little touch a skin will bleed and the poison would affect for a minute,

On the other hand Wilbur  Attending a meeting on the Ancestral hall, Hero was just telling fairytale stories to the children's on the streets,


Wilbur about to go in with Hero inside the room when Notch appears behind them about to stab Wilbur, just in time when Herobrine block it,

But turns out he was the one that got stabbed in the stomach, Notch widen his eyes dropping the knife and hugging his brother that is falling slowly on the floor ,Wilbur froze and tears began to fall, “Brother...no.n-no NO! BROTHER!!” Notch cried out loud having the sky faded in black, pain had filled inside his heart, Wilbur fell on his knees Crying loud, The Young prince eye's slowly turning in gray showing a slowly death, Notch teleport the both of them on the hospital, Shouting for help,


Okay now TBC
I'm lazy, no hate don't worry OnO I'm not gonna delete the child on his existence

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