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I have been laying here motionless for days, I think. It seems like forever. Everyone has come and gone countless times. Except Louis. He stayed the whole time, never going back to the hotel, everyone tells him he needs to sleep and to shower but he refused every time. Oh! Did I tell that u remember how I got here... Well I do!

I have been going well. Except for one time, I don't really know what happened...

I wish I would wake up. I hate listening to other people's conversations.
"She should wake up in the next few days or so, she is making very good progress. Everything is going flune and sxj sis!" What's happening?! Why can't I understand them?!
"Her HURT! HER BREAN! QUITELY OPEN!" Someone yelled, I dorm under stand. Then I can't her anything and.....
"She should be fine now. She just had a collapse in her heart and mind. Everything should enfold now. We even think she should wake up tomorrow." A doctor said.


Well I didn't wake up. Nope. Still here. In a coma. Motionless. With an amazing boyfriend who haven't left me. I know it's night time. Everyone just left, everyone but Lou.
I don't what day it is. Or how long I have been here but...

"Amy, if you can hear me and you were wondering, it December 22nd, you have been here since the 17th. I-it's been here for nearly s-six days." He started crying at the end. I tried with all my strength to wake up. I tried and tried. I just couldn't. It getting really boring here.

If you were wondering,Luke got out of the hospital, the day after I ended up in this coma. Also Ella has stayed. All most every night. She went home tonight though.

My mum finally gave up on trying to see me. She just stopped coming. Well at least I think she did...
It's now the 23rd, about 5:35pm. Ella and Lou are both staying tonight.
"... Lou you need to go and get proper sleep, it's your 23rd birthday Tomorrow! It's Christmas Eve tomorrow!" Ella shouts. oh my gosh! It's Louis' birthday tomorrow! I haven't gotten him anything!

I haven't finished my Christmas shopping! I did most of it in Liverpool and London, I'm still in a coma. I don't think we will be heading back on Christmas Day, like planed...

"I don't care, Ella! She is my girlfriend and she is in a coma! I... I love her.." He whispered at the end. Wait he loves me?! Awww! But do I love him? I'm not sure, I mean I really like him! I Really do, but I'm not sure if it's love yet.
"How could you love her, you haven't been dating that long?" Ella questions,
"I've know I loved her for a while now..." Lou trialled off,
"Okay, but I you brake her heart, I swear I will brake you!" She laughs,
"Uh. I promise, I really do love her and will never hurt her, well not purposely." He said.

After that I just laid and thought.
Hi!!! I did have more to this chapter but I decided to make a new one and have that in it! The next chapter title doesn't give anything away. So don't be to upset or too excited, nothing really happens in the next chapter. :( bye!!!! - Jazz <3

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