Next destination

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*not edited*

I was packing my bags getting ready for our next destination, I didn't know where we were going. The trip hasn't been that great for the last few days all the boys have been doing concerts or recording in the studio, Charlie Hates me! I still can't believe that were are friends over something SO simple! I think we were gonna talk to boys and ask were to go next since they have been here plenty of times and even LIVE here!

After about half an hour I have finished packing except for a few little things but they can be put in the car we hired for Europe. I walk down the hall and put my suitcase near the door, I turn around to find my lovely boyfriend sitting on the couch watching Football (A/N: or soccer, I call it soccer) I go and sit down next to him and he gives me a short kiss,
"Hey babe." He smiles
"Hey luke" I smile back
"So where are you girls off to next on your big adventure?" He questions
"I don't know, we haven't decided yet, Charlie still hates me" I sigh. I told Luke about Charlie and he helped me sorta get over by takin me on the best date ever! He took me to the London Eye and it was amazing! There were only a couple of fans and the weather wasn't too bad, just a little cold.

"So where are you boys touring next?" I question realising I don't know,
"Well we have 2 weeks off so we were gonna head up to Liverpool because they have a football game up there next week and we all want to see it. After that I think we fly into LA" he replied
"Oh. Okay well maybe the girls and I could come up there too, Paige and Niall are getting close" I smiled
"Yeah! That's a great idea go and find the girls and talk to them and I'll go ask the boys on their opinion!" Luke said getting excited.
"Okay" and then I was out the door in search of the two girls smiling because I might get to stay with my boyfriend!

"Paige!" I called running up to my best friend and Charlie.
"Yeah?" She says flipping her long hair over her shoulder.
"Can we go to Liverpool for our next stop?!?"
"I was gonna ask you because that's where the boys are going for there 2 weeks off" she says
"Yeah!" I yell a bit too loudly as Charlie flinches
"Charlie? Do you like that idea?" I ask turning to face her
"Uh yeah that's a good idea I guess." She replies not really looking at me but and everything else.
"Okay well I guess that's where we are going" Paige calls running off the tell Niall or something.
"Uh okay bye" I say awkwardly to Charlie
"Yeah... Bye" she says before I walk off getting ready for the 3 and half hour drive... *sigh*

how was that? - Jazz

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