Suprise suprise

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Chapter 32
June 2nd 2015

It's been nearly a week since finding out that Perrie saved my life. And that Harry went to Fiji with Ella.

The media and fans still think the ring is a promise ring. We have had no phone calls or anything, they tweet every day, after their cover was blown of them not being together of course.

Simon has been trying to contact Harry but he never answers his phone. The boys are back in the studio today meaning us girls have a day to our selves.

"So! What do u wanna do?" Charlie questions us as we sit in a circle on the floor,
"Why don't we do something we haven't done since Sydney!" Paige smiles
"What?" Perrie questions, Paige just smirks and I instantly catch on
"Your neighbour has a pool right Amy?" Charlie asks, obviously catching on too
"Yeah he does" my neighbour is Michael Finlay and he is 26 we are really close, I think of him as my brother. I always use his pool when I get days off from everyone else.

"Well girls, go get your bathers on!" I laugh

10 minutes later we are sitting on the edge of the pool, sun bathing, in the warm sun.
"So! How ab-" Paige is cut off by my phone ringing, I check the caller I.D to see Luke was calling me.

Luke=italics Amy=normal

"Hey Amy!"
"hey Luke! Haven't heard from you guys in ages!" I laugh
"Yeah! We have been really busy, with the tour and all"
"So what are you up too today?"
"Charlie, Paige, Perrie and I are pooling in the next door neighbours pool today"
"Haha, Sounds fun, I miss summer!"
"Ah yeah! It's not summer over there!"
"No! But I have to go Amy, enjoy your day!"
"Yeah okay, you too Luke! Bye!"

The call was ended and before anyone could say anything, the side gate is burst open
"SUPRISE, SUPRISE!!!" 3 boys yelled, I instantly recognised them,
"OH MY GOD!!!!" I screamed, I ran over to them, pulling them into a group hug, once I pulled back, I re looked at them. Calum, he had taken the blonde out of his hair, Ashton, his hair longer with a bandana strapped around his head, Michael, his hair now a fluorescent yellow, even noticeable upon his pale skin. And Luke- is not here?

"Guys were is Luke?" I ask
"Well I'm right here, Amy" a figure emerged from behind the fence, holding something large in his hands. I look at the object and find a grown pug,
"LYNCH!!" I scream talking my baby (not so much anymore) from the tall boys hands. Taking in his appearance, he hasn't changed, only gotten bigger, I put him down and he runs over to Paige and Charlie.

I run to Luke and hug him so tight!
"What are you guys doing here!?" I yell, by now, the girls have made their way over, and greeting the boys
"Well, we have a two week break/holiday before we have to go back to work and organise more for the tour" Ash smiles.

"Ahhh!" I hug them again
"It's quite warm here" Calum smiles
"Definitely warmer than Sydney" Michael laughs
"Definitely" Luke smiles

"Well I have a solution for that" I laugh and look at the girls, they smile and stand behind one of the boys each, me behind Luke, Charlie behind Calum, Paige behind Ash and Perrie behind Michael.
"1. 2. 3!!" I scream and we push the boys into the pool before jumping in our selves.

"Oh My God! You girls are gonna pay for that!" Ashton laugh,
"At least it's nice and cool!" Charlie laughs
"Yeah I guess" he sighs
"But we are still fully clothed" Luke frowns, then his eyes glimmered and he turned to the boys smiling.

5 minutes later all four boys are only in their boxers.
"Oh my god, a year and a half ago I would have fainted or be screaming so loud!" I laughed,
"Omg yessss!" Charlie and Paige agreed, they just laughed at us

"Hey gu- wait why is 5 seconds of summer half naked in my pool?" Michael walks in through the gate and Lynch barks at him
"And a pug in my backyard" he laughs, bending down and patting him, causing him to stop barking
"Well that lynch my pug, got him for my 22nd and the bo-" I was cut off, as usual by my phone on the side of the pool. It was Louis

"Hey Lou"
"Turn on the news quickly!" He yelled

I took the phone away and yelled at Micky (my nick name for him) to turn on the news, he ran in side as I picked up towel and dragged the other girls in side, I kept Lou on the phone as the news played.

"Have Ella Hemdes and Harry Styles-"

Haha oops? What happened? Is is Good? Or bad? Hahah -22/03/15
I'm sad that I only have half of the next chapter written. About a week ago I didn't even know where I was going with WDCT, but I finally figured out where.

thx for reading WDCT! <3 -30/03/15

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