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"Hey I have an idea!" Louis shouted after a game of Twister, Monopoly and Uno!
"Oh no, that's never good!" Zayn joked but turned serious when Louis glared at him.
"Why don't we have a sleepover!!!!" Louis yelled jumping all over the place.
"Yeah I'm up for it, what about you guys?" Ash asked looking at me and Paige.
"Okay, sure why not?" Paige replied at the same time I nodded my head.
"YAY" Niall and Louis yelled together.

"Okay, time for business! Zayn, Harry and Michael, go get blankets, pillows, etc. etc." ordered Louis
"Amy, Niall and Luke you guys are in charge of snacks and drinks, Paige and Charlie, you can help Ashton and I clear the stuff and Calum and Liam you can.... GET THE MOVIES!!!" demanded Louis again.

We had all set up with food, drinks, movies, pillows, blankets and sleeping arrangements. We are sort of in three lines, Paige next to Charlie, who is next to me, me next to Luke who is next to Louis. Then behind us is (in order) Zayn, Harry, Ash and Michael. Then along the couch is Niall, Calum and Liam. It worked out pretty well actually.

We are watching my all time favourite movie, She's the Man, it has been out for a few years but I still love it. After this we are watching Mocking Jay part 1 & 2, after that? We haven't thought that far.

Even though this is my favourite movie, I have hardly been watching it. I keep feeling Luke watching me and when I look at him he just smiles and turns away. Okay?


After we have watched all the movies, we decided to go to sleep. I was almost asleep when I felt Luke Put his arms around my waist. Did he do this purposely? If he did, does he know I have a boyfriend? I thought I told everyone. Oh well.

I think I made some new friends today.

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