Hiding And Crying

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Luke's P.O.V
I did it. I broke up with the best girlfriend I have ever had! Why would I brake up with her if she was the best girlfriend ever? 2 reasons. One, because it would be easier than a long distance relationship between us. Two, she cheated on me! With one of my friends! And, right before I left. It doesn't really matter now though because we aren't together anymore and they like each other so....

"Hey luke! Do you know where Amy is? We can't find her?" Louis and Ella walk in. Louis looks really happy but won't look at me. What?
"Uh. Sorry I don't she was her about 10 minutes ago..." I trailed off remembering our previous conversation.


Uh c-can I come I-in?" I stuttered, nervously. I was scared about what I was about to do. She nodded and held the door open for me.
"The girls are down in Harry's room..." Amy trailed off.

"Amy I think we need to break up. For more than one reason..." I state. A look of confusion crosses her face.
"More than one?" She asked confused,
"Yeah because I'm leaving for a month it would be best," I pause before continuing.
"And this morning I heard Ella telling Harry you and Louis kissed... You cheated on me Amy" I frowned
"Yeah we did. But it doesn't matter now because we aren't together anymore and," she stopped to think.

"And. I like Louis. More than a friend. He is nice funny. Kind and comforts me. Like last night and when I first found out Ella was my twin and that thing happened with my mum. Luke you weren't there. You were too busy working on your album to worry about you girlfriend. But Lou wasn't. He cares" she says and you could hear the sadness in her voice. But she was right. And I thought she liked louis... And I know he likes her back.
"Uh. Okay..." I trail off not knowing what to say. She just smiles sadly and walks out.

*End Of Flashback*
"LUKE!" Ella yells. Oops I must have zoned out...
"Uh sorry what?"
"Why are you in her room but she's not?" Ella obviously repeats herself.
"Uh. We broke up. I broke up with her" I state
"Oh!" Ella says with sudden realisation.
"I know where she is!!" She yells pulling Lou out the door. He still has that smile on his face...
"I'm sorry about what happened!!" They call running down the hall. I swear I heard Lou mutter a 'Not' but I drop it and walk back into my hotel room.

Ella's P.O.V
"OW! what was that for?!" Lou yelled once we reach to end of the hall. I just hit him across the head because of his rude remark after we said sorry to luke.

"Uh what was that for?!" I point toward the room we just came out of.
"I'm sorry that I'm not sorry that Luke and Amy broke up. Actually it is the best thing that has happened on this trip so far!" He smiled. What?

"What?" I ask confused
"Ella. I have liked Amy since I met her. Then Luke came in and stole her before I even had a chance. Now that they are broken up and Amy likes me back, I have a chance!" He smiles again.

"You like my sister?! Okay! But how do you know that she likes you back, just because she kissed you back doesn't mean that she likes you back." I say. I mean it's true.

"Nope! She does! I heard her tell Luke!!" He still doesn't Loose that smile of his. I just laugh before draging him down to the carpark and over to Amy's car. And of course she is in there. Im her sister I know.
"How did you know she would be here?" Lou asked as we walked over to it.
"I am her sister, Lou" I laughed.
"Hey! I better go we leave in 15 minutes I have to go get ready." Louis says just before I open the door, he keeps his eye on Amy with a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"Uh. Yeah okay" I say
"Bye Ella! BYE AMY!" He calls running back into the hotel. I am surprised that there are only a few fans her everyday..

"Amy! I'm sorry about what happened with luke" I comfort when I get into the car, noticing she looks really sad and confused.
"Uh thanks but. That isn't why I'm sad. Or confused." She say while keeping her eyes on her lap.
"Well why then?" I asked confused as to why she was upset and confused
"It's Lou" she state blankly
"What did he do?!" I started boiling inside at that. What did this syco do to my sister?!

"Nothing. It's just. I like him Ella. A lot. In all honesty I like him so much it hurts." She says. I swear I could see a blush creep on her face. I was still confused.

"Okay and why is that a bad thing? How long have you liked him for? Or when did you realise? And w-" she cut me off from my rambling,
"Because Ella!! It's a bad thing because he would never like me like I like him!" She yelled.

"Then why did he kiss you Amy. Why would THE Louis Tomlinson from One Direction kiss you Amy Hope if he didn't like you? Did you ever think about that?" I asked turning to face her again after looking out the window.
"I don't know!" She yelled again.
"If he really liked me why has he never done anything?" She whispered
"Maybe because you were dating Mr. Hemmings."i replied
"Oh. Ella I'm so STUPID!" She cried. I just reached over and pulled her into a big hug!
"For the record I, along with others, know that Lou does like you." I whisper in her ear. She wipes away the tears and says,
"Can we go shopping now?" I laugh and nod my head. She turns around and starts the car. She heads the Liverpool ONE!!!!

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