Sasha X Marco (Pt.1)

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tw: self blaming, mild violence

August 20th, 2022

Heat was rising between the two.

All he wanted was her at that moment.

She wanted nothing more than him.

His hips slammed into hers.

Her lips touched every inch of his collarbone.

Her nails left marks on his back.

"Oh fuck, Marco that feels so good." Sasha moans, deeply satisfied with Marco's actions.

Euphoria reaches them both, causing Sasha to scream Marco's name in ecstasy. Stars dotted their vision. Coming down from their high they moved apart from each other. Laying next to each other in Marco's penthouse bedroom, Sasha felt oddly out of place. She was supposed to be getting information from him, but instead, she was falling in love. Her work was her life. How could she be so, so stupid?

Sasha worked for the mafia as an agent. Someone who collected information on other gangs. She was very close to the Gabbana family and knew Reyna as a sister. Reyna always helped her in her work. Sasha was supposed to be getting close to Marco for information on a deal he made with the Carnies. This family was bugging not only Sasha and her family, but Reyna and Luca as well.

"I can't believe how dumb I am." Sasha accidentally blurts out.

"What? What's wrong?" Marco sits up to look at Sasha. He hated anyone who hurt her.

"Marco...I have to go. This can't happen anymore." Sasha was getting too close. She was going to get him hurt. Not by her, but by her family. She knew Marco's family meant no harm, but her family didn't know that. Marco stares at her in disbelief as she threw on her clothes.

"What did I do?" Marco almost whispers, in sheer disbelief. Sasha turns to see tears in his eyes. She knew she was the only one who made him feel the way he did now.

"Oh, Marco you didn't do anything." Sasha kneels to cup his face with her hands. Looking into his eyes she says, "I work for my family to collect information from others. I was assigned to you to collect information on the deal you made with the Carnies months ago. They think your horrible people, but I know your not. You make me feel things no one has ever made me feel. I love you Marco, but I have to convince my family that you're a good person." After a year with Marco, her family was becoming suspicious. Sasha needed to clear the air before things became bad.

"What? I-I-I...why?" Marco could barely speak. Fighting to swallow the lump in his throat.

"I love you, Marco. I want to spend my life with you. But my family hates you." tears were streaming down Sasha's face as she tried not to yell about how wrong her family was. About Marco. About his family. "I'll tell you everything that happens and if I have to break away from my family to be with you, then so be it. I don't want to leave you, but if I don't they will hurt you."

Marco watched as Sasha's lip quivered. He knew she was telling nothing but the truth. He hated the idea of them separating. He depends on her. He loves her. "Let me help you convince them." Marco blurts before he can think. Sasha's family is strong. Strong enough to bring him down with just a few words.

"Marco no! They're going to kill you if you try!" Sasha says a little too harshly. She hates pushing Marco away. She wants him to help, of course, she does. But she wants him to be alive, not dead.

"I'm not letting you decide. I'm helping you. I don't care if I get hurt. They'll hurt you too. I'm not letting them do that to you." Marco pulls Sasha into his arms. She wraps her legs around his torso. She knows she can't convince him to stop.

"At least let me talk to them before they meet you." Sasha mumbles into Marco's neck. Her face is wet and her shoulders are heavy beyond belief.

"Ok princess." Marco is reluctant but he knows how hard it will be to convince Sasha's parents he's a good guy. "Get dressed and go talk to them. Tell me when you want me to come help. I'm right her baby."

Sasha nods into his neck and stays in that position for a moment longer. She doesn't want to leave him.

She slowly finishes getting dressed, says goodbye to Marco, and takes the elevator to the parking garage in the building.


Driving down the highway, Sasha can't help but cry. She blasts a playlist of music she normally reserves for nights when she needs to let her emotions out. "Train Wreck" plays after the last song. This song always made her break down. Her hands are on the wheel. Her knuckles are white. She begins singing, choking out words as her tears continue to fall.

It's not too late to build it back.

Her hands are shaking. Her vision is blurry. Her emotions are playing games with her.

Pull me out, the train wreck.

She dreams of all the things her family will do for Marco. To her. To Marco's family.


Sasha screams Marco's name. Cursing herself for falling in love. She wants to run away to Europe with him. But New York is their home.

She loves her family. But they won't love her once she tells them.

She will ruin her life and relationship with them. She is taken back to when Reyna and Luca got together. Everyone loved them together. She felt red hot anger rise in her gut. She wanted to punch Reyna until her breathing stopped. Sasha's vision became a red glare as she mindlessly drove to her parent's house. Ready to ruin her life. Ready to put her Marco in danger.

Her knuckles are white, and her mind a mess Sasha gives into her demons. She screams Marco's name again. She screams over and over again. She feels defeated. Screaming until her voice is hoarse.

Sasha arrives at her parent's house. She walks to their door still sobbing. Tears streak down her face as she shakes on the doorstep. Her voice hurts.

Reyna opens the door.

"Oh my gosh! Sasha are y-" Sasha pulls her fist back, making contact with Reyna's face before she can finish her sentence.


Reyna is holding her nose. She knows Sasha is hurt. Luca is trying to calm down Sasha. Luca holds both girls close to him as one tries to fix her nose, and the other bawls uncontrollably.

"Luca get Reyna away from Sasha before poor Reyna gets hurt again!" Sasha's mother comes running from the kitchen. "That boy has hurt Sasha too much."

Sasha wails and wraps around Luca's neck as he glares at Sasha's parents. He finally says, "Sasha loves Marco. She came to tell you both. She came to convince you two he is a good man. You're hurting her." Luca sneers as he speaks the last sentence. Sasha's parents state in shock.

Marco's car pulls into the driveway. He runs out and to the door. Sasha falls into his arms, sobbing. Her parents stand fuming at him. Luca continues to hold Reyna and act as a barrier between Sasha's parents and Marco.

"I came here to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage" Marco says as he holds a shaking Sasha.  He pulls Sasha away from his chest and kneels down in front of her small frame.

"Sasha, will you marry me?"

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