Sasha X Marco (Pt.2)

609 2 0

October 18th, 2022

trigger warning: violence

"Sasha what are you seeing?" Marco's voice flowed through her earpiece sounding worried.

"Not much. Are you seeing anything?" Sasha asks throwing small glances over his shoulder while she loads and unloads her rifle for the sixth time that night. She was positioned on a 24-foot building in downtown Manhattan. Since their wedding, Marco and Sasha have been combining their branches and cleaning up messes made in prior years. Tonight was no different.

Sasha was tasked to take out 5 men, from the sky, tonight and Marco was on the ground on the lookout for them. To be honest, Sasha practically begged Marco to let her come tonight.

"I see their cars, but I can't spot them. Why don't you come down and we'll make this a public event." Marco asked turning to look up over the skyline.

"Mar, we have been trying to get these idiots for the past month. We can't back down now." Sasha saw him standing there, in his suit with his hands folded in front of himself. He looks like a five-year-old from this angle. "You know that until we take care of these guys they'll be a thorn in our sides."

"Can we just let Max deal with this tonight?" Marco has been the leader, but don't let that fool you. Sasha has a heavy hand to play in this family, she just didn't get the credit. She liked it that way.

"Fine. Max take over my position." Sasha stood up and left the gun propped against the low-rising wall. She was dressed for a party considering this is the fifth time Marco had done this. Sasha wore a light grey evening gown with a low cut back and thin straps. Her heels were silver to match and her hair was styled in a bun.

She rode an elevator to the lobby of the building and walked out of the double doors to meet Marco.

"You look beautiful Amor." Marco says holding his arm out for her.

"You say that too often." Sasha replies taking his arm.

"When do you want to leave Amor?" Marco tilts his head down a little to look at Sasha up close.

"I don't know." Sasha lays her head on Marco's shoulder and squeezes his arm. "But I don't want to be here all night, Mar."

"Ok, we'll leave in an hour, how does that sound?"

"Good. I'm hungry, do they have food here?"

"Yes they do, what do you want?" Marco replies as he and Sasha walk back to the party and find something for Sasha to eat. Sasha walked with her head on Marco's shoulder, her eyes drooping slightly.

"Mar, who's that?" Sasha asks, lifting her head.

"Our target. Max, do you see him?" Marco begins talking over his earpiece and moves away from the line of fire. "Max, be careful the rifle has a kickback and in a crowd this large you have to be careful of misfire." Marco moves to tuck Sasha behind him and at that moment the target locks eyes with him.

Antonio Vega, an outlaw in the business of Royal Mafia.

Vega locks eyes with Marco and starts walking towards him. Sasha steps behind Marco, as she whispers to Max to hold his fire. Vega has an irregular temper that backfires all the time. God only knew what was going through his mind at the moment.

"Well, well Marco. Looks like someone has a new whore. Who is it now?" Vega stopped a few feet away from Marco. Sasha, still behind Marco, lifted his suit jacket to pull out a pistol in Marco's belt. "Wait a minute-"

"Vega stop." Sasha stepped into view and stood to Marco's left.

"Why should I? You gonna hurt me?"

"I've done it before, and I'll do it again." Pushing Marco to the side, Sasha kept the gun to her side. Stepping forward she raised her leg and shoulder slams her heel into Vega's stomach. He began falling backward and Sasha pulled the gun up and shot at him, point-blank. To be fair she didn't think she would get this far.

"Max now." Up in the sky, Max turned his scope to Vega. Sasha and Marco turned and began walking further into the alley.

"Mar what do we do?" Sasha was worried about their next step. Considering not a thing went the way they wanted it to go.

"Vega is dead that's the important part. Luke get our location from Max and bring the car around." Marco replied. He turned to Sasha and pulled her earpiece out and then pulled out his earpiece. Taking her hand, Marco pulled Sasha and himself into a small corner just big enough for the both of them. "We should be safe here until Luke gets over here."

"Mar what are we gonna do. How are we gonna cover this up?" Sasha was looking between the alley and Marco. For the first time in a long time, she was panicked and scared. Vega was a big target in his industry.

"We'll be fine Mi Amor." Marco stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Sasha, encasing her in his broad chest. Marco buried his head into the crook of Sasha's neck and breathed in her lavender scent from her perfume. Sasha's arms wrapped around Marco's waist, as she leaned into Marco's embrace.

"Hey, boss!" Luke half yells from around the corner. "Got your car here what do you need us to do."

"You and Max stay behind and make Vega look like an accident. I'll send Jake to help with the cleaning and to take you guys home. We have to go before people get suspicious."

"Be safe boss." Luke and Max say together as they walk over to Vega's body. Marco took Sasha's hand and walked her over to the car. They both got in and sat in silence for a moment before Marco turned the car on.

"How do you feel Amor?" Marco asks turning to Sasha.

"Yeah I'm ok," Sasha says looking down at her hands.

"Really because you're shaking the car." Marco spits backs looking back at the road and rubbing his head.

"Sorry." Sasha whispers, crossing her legs and folding her hands together.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean it." Marco's head drops as the car slows to a stop at a red light. His heads drops and his shoulders slump.

"Are you guilt-tripping me?" Sasha asks as she lowers his head to his eye line.

"Is it working?"

"No." Sasha replies bluntly.

"Can we cuddle when we get home, baby?" Marco asks not lifting his head.

"Yeah," Sasha replies softening her tone, "Do you want to be the little spoon?"

"Yes please."

"Ok, you can be the little spoon." Sasha replies sitting back and looking towards the road.

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