Reyna X Luca (Pt.3)

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August 14th, 2022

"Rey? Where are you?" Luca walked around their apartment calling Reyna's name.

"Luci?" Reyna mumbled walking out of their bedroom in one of Luca's dress shirts and a pair of shorts.

"Where were you?" Luca replies rushing over to Reyna. Luca wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest.

Yesterday Luca and Reyna dealt with a little incident at the office. A family called the Carnies tried to reveal Luca's branch of the mafia and his dealings. Why? The Carnie leader and father didn't trust Luca with their arms deal that was being finalized. That's a great reason to shoot up a financial building in broad daylight and threaten to kidnap Reyna.

"In the bedroom, why?" Reyna's reply was muffled by Luca's body cocooning her. "What's wrong? Is everything ok? Is anyone hurt?" 

"What? No, no, nothing like that." Luca replies bending down to bury his head into the crook of Reyna's neck. "I missed you so much."

"Luci you saw me this morning."

"I know but, I was just worried that Jacob might've called or maybe stopped by here today," Luca mumbles into Reyna's neck. 

"I can take care of myself, Luci," Reyna says closing her eyes and pulling Luca closer to her. "Let's go sit down, hmm?"


Reyna took Luca's hand and led him over to a large, black, L-shaped couch. Luca took his shoes, vest, and dress coat off and sat down on the couch. Reyna sat next to him, draping her legs over his, and leaned into his right shoulder. Luca's arms wrapped around Reyna's small form as Reyna drew circles on Luca's stomach with her fingers.

They sat there, not saying anything for well over an hour. Reyna was snoring softly, her hands cradled in her lap.

 Luca was skimming his eyes over her features. Her nose, her lashes, her petite lips, everything. He loved her little ears, no matter how many times Reyna said they were ugly. Her slim fingers with baby blue oval-shaped acrylic nails. Her right hand had a skeleton of a hand tattooed on the back of it that grew up her wrist and formed into the skeleton of an arm that ran up to her shoulder. Sasha had a matching tattoo on her left arm. When they were eighteen they snuck out and paid to have the whole piece that night. 

Reyna had a large peacock that spread over her thigh and on her left ankle had her favorite hand to play in poker. Luca loved looking over her tattoos and loved watching her talk about getting more. Her ears were pierced, too. Her first, second, and third holes were done, and she had a stud on the right side of her nose. Sasha had a matching stud on the left side of her nostril. 

"Anyone home?"

Jacob's voice cut through the silence like a dagger. Clear as day. No muffle of a door in the way of his voice. Luca turned his head to see him standing there with a bouquet of red roses. A wire pick sticking out of his suit pocket. Reyna stirred in Luca's lap awoken from the noise and Luca's movement.

"Luci?" Reyna mumbles rubbing her eyes.

"It's ok Rey," Luca says turning back to face Reyna, pulling her back into his lap. this time holding her tighter.

"Reyna, sweetie, pack your things," Jacob says looking over at Reyna, curled into Luca's chest.


"Listen you filthy slut," Jacob's face turned sore and he walked over to Reyna. Her hand flew to a spot under the coffee table in front of them, and she pulled a small hand gun and pointed it at Jacob's face.

A sick smile spread across Reyna's face. She looked at Jacob and asked,

"Cat got your tongue?"

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