a village in the mountains

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"ok so we've checked everywhere but no luck huh?" I sighed out as we had checked all the surrounding villages but none of them had the blue Dragon in them and we were out of options. "he's here somewhere I know it but I can't seem to find him for some reason?" Kija sighed out in defeat looking disappointed. "WAIT! I got it I didn't think it was inhabitable but it is and people actually live there, the mountains it's gotta be deep within them" Yoon was now onto something that had to be it there was nothing else it could be. Eventually we found it and now we stood Infront of a cave entrance. "is he here?" Yona asked softly looking at Kija for an answer. "yes he is I can feel it" Kija nodded and stepped forward into the cave as me and the others followed close behind.  "ok then let's go and get this guy" Hak walked forward and into the cave.

"sorry there is no one by that name here" the village chief or at least I think he is said to us. The place was super sketchy, everyone wearing masks and saying there was no blue dragon here even tho there definitely is. "ah well than sorry to bother you about that but it's getting late too do you mind if we stay here a night?" Yona asked kindly as the man nodded and lead us to a room to stay in. "it isn't much but I hope you like it"  the man said as he went to leave he quickly warned us about dangerous caves and how it would be easy to get lost in them.

(I stopped writing here since the last update so the writing will change a lot by the way)

we all sat down in silence for a bit until Yoon spoke up " are we sure that the blue Dragon is here" he asked and Kija was quick to agree. "yes he's definitely here I can assure you he is princess" Kija spoke confidently and he had every right too I could also sense Seiryuu's  presence. "yes I know I'd never dought you're ability" Yona being as nice and innocent as she was gave the white haired boy a smile. "I would" Hak just had to have his say didn't he and within seconds Kija was slashing at his face not actually hitting him but it was pretty close and the thunder beast didn't even so much as flinch.

"hey we should go while no ones watching" Yoon stood up hands on hips ready to start the search. Yona was quick to bring up the question about the maze like caves and how'd we'd navigate our way through. But Yoon was soon to bring up his pretty boy smarty pants line or whatever it honestly for me was starting to get old. "it's simple I'll just make a map of the caves as we make our way through it, like a game" He announced as he proceeded to scream something about treasure Hak and Yona joining with Kija joining too but a little delayed and less enthusiastic. "hey I'd keep our voices down dimwit's" I smacked the peach haired boy over the head lightly. "oi what the-" "shhh be quiet!" I shushed him if we made a commotion now we would be getting watched if we weren't already.

"Dammit another dead end the hell where is this stupid blue dragon" Yoon shoved an arrow into the caves wall fall to the ground in a mini defeat. "he's nearby just where could he be? he's gotta know I'm here too right" Kija's expression was a confused one and so was I just where was Seiryuu?. "probably thinks you're annoying?" Hak who was leaning against the wall next to Kija spoke up. Once again Kija tried to slash him.

"hey do you think he's ignoring us maybe he doesn't want to mert us?" Yona questioned "absolutely not he's got to have been waiting for you, protecting the dragons blood all his life he's got to want too because us dragon warriors were born to protect you!" Kija exclaimed he was certain of his words.

The others were focusing on what Yona and Kija were talking about but I was too focused on where this blue dragon was so I didn't exactly listen.

at least until Yoon spoke up

"hang on a minute something is off it feels as if we are being watched..." Yoon shivered as he crossed his arms seemingly frightened a bit. "yeah now that you say that I can feel it too" Hak glanced around trying to see if anyone or anything was there."maybe the villages know we're exploring we should head back" Yoon started walking back to the place where we were supposed to stay. Kija, Hak and Yona followed. I was going too to until I heard a squeak and I soon turned around leaning my ear up against the cave wall. And in an instant a secret passage had opened up to reveal a new path. ah could the blue Dragon be here? I thought as I made my way inside.

omg look at me updating this old ass story I'm just getting back into the series rewatching it again so I thought I'd update this finally. 😎

word count:896

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