And The Travelling Begins

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Y/N p.o.v.

"so how long do you think it will take Yoon" I ask, Yoon looking at the map he brought with him, trying to find the best route to travel.

"I think it would be best to keep going straight, With only a few turns along the way. As for time around 2-3 weeks" Yoon points at the map then gives me and the others a blank look.

*Time skip*

"wow what's that Hak" Yona points at a rice field in awe.
Me on the other hand decided to walk ahead, leaveing Hak and Yoon to explain to Yona whatever she was interested in.

A little while later the others decided to catch up with me and we  continued our search.

The next few days we didn't see many people only a few people here and there. Yona on the other hand had been stuffed into a giant bag Yoon brought, obviously not happy with it.

"oh come on princess are you angry because i stuffed you in a bag, handheled you roughly and took advantage of you " Hak didn't even try to denigh it. Instead, he just said that.

"Umm Hak, i don't think you're helping " I deadpaned after hearing what Hak said. "Yea Hak listen to Y/N she's got a point " Yona shouts at Hak nodding her head.

"Hey there's a small town up ahead, we should probably take a break " Yoon joined the conversation pointing to a town in the distance.

Once in the small town we all headed to small restaurant type shop to get somethingto eat. "Hey you guys wait here, I've got business  I  need to attend to " Hak stands up, and then proceeds to leave the  small shop.

"Ok what now" I turn to Yona and Yoon. "I guess we wait" Yoon let's out a small sigh.

After a bit Yona hopped up out of her seat, saying "I'm leaving" and proceeded to walk off.

"wait princess Hak told us to stay put" Yoon quickly followed behind the crimson haired princess, leaving some change to pay for the food.

And all of a sudden I'm alone, I go outside to follow my friend's, but there GONE!!!. "wth, how damm fast are they" I face-palm, then proceed to decide which way I should go.

Left no right no left uhhhh,..... Oh God dammit what is this an anime. I stood there not knowing what to do. Wahhh anime how I miss you. Now my mind drifted off to it's long used weeb side. I mean some times I forget about those things, since it has been more than two years.

"Mhhghh" a hand suddenly covers my mouth and pulls me into a alyway. I struggle a bit until I realise just who was grabbing me, "Hak!!" is all I manage to say before I'm rudely shushed!!.

"Y/N we're going now, are you coming or not" Hak just gave me a blank expression but yet I could tell he was secretly smirking. "of course I am, ya big oaf" I flicked the bridge of Haks nose, giving a small smirk.

Hak just gave me an annoying glare of sorts, eh I couldn't have cared less.

'Time Skip A Few Days Later'

"how long till we find this damm snake" I complained, mostly because my leg's hurt and I was angry. "hey isn't this guy a dragon, Y/N" Hak arched an eye brow as he glanced in my direction. "well a dragon and a snake both have scales and are also both reptiles, so what's the difference" I shrug boredly, at this Hak silently smirks in the background, a dark aura surrounding him.

"what's with that look, Hak?" I give Hak a questioning look, deadpaning. "don't worry,... I just.... Thought of.. Something he.... Hehehe" Hak said in a slow dark tone, creepily laughing to himself. But I didn't question it, honestly I didn't want to know what he was thinking in that brain of his.

A few more days went past and nothing really happened, just the occasional complaints about eating weeds and b-bugs. Mostly from me, I mean I wasn't that scared of bugs, well except for spiders and any other bugs with multiple eyes or fur. But eating any bug, is Disgusting!!.

"Oh this is the area that Ik-soo told us about, we're close" Yoon double checks the map before confirming Hakuyuu's village is close.

"hey you guys I'm gonna go up ahead then" I gave a small wave, and proceeded to walk off. "wait I'll come with you" Yoon called out to me, quickly following behind.

After a bit of walking, it started to get really foggy and humoured. "hey this isn't normal, is it Y/N" Yoon said shakily, his face starting to sweat a lot.

"yeah, it isn't" I glared a bit, I could sense a lot of people surrounding us.

"LEAVE!!" a bunch of voices called out from the trees above, which were surrounded by fog.

"s-show your self!!" I yelled, I tried to be intimating but my voice was weak and shakey. I wasn't that strong, like seriously my only talent was art. And being the 'brown dragon warrior, chiriyuu' was no help when you don't know your power.

I've tried over two years to work out my power, but I'm yet to descover it. Yoon has tried to help but to no avail, not even working out how to get back to my world.

All of a sudden I was struck from behind, getting knocked out in the process, same to Yoon.


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