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I noticed earlier that Yona had ran off somewhere only for her to come back seemingly happier than usual but in reality she was out of it even grabbing a hot pot that Yoon was using to cook and almost changed clothes Infront of everyone something had happened. I decided not to dig deeper I'm sure Hak would do a better job at helping her with what's wrong than I would. those two are made for each other I'm not the only one that thinks that, right? I thought as I watched Yona run off to change.

Later on somehow me,Kija,Yoon and Shin-ah ended up spying on Yona and Hak hiding behind a rock. I wasn't really listening in to their conversation actually now that I think about it I never really listen in on others conversations guess they just don't interest me that much. When I did start listening again I heard Yona say this " hey friends I'm leaving Awa will you come with me?" she asked a kind smile resting on her lips. "Of course I'll follow you to the ends of the earth" Kija proclaimed and Shin-ah nodded agreeing with his white haired brother. "I'll think about it" is all Yoon said Yona yelling a small hey at him. " hmm of course I will our destinies are already intertwined there's no way I could turn back now" I clicked my tongue wondering why she might doubt I wouldn't stay with her. I mean she doesn't know about my dragon identity yet nor do any of them well except Yoon but that's besides the point I started to argue with myself in my thoughts.

Eventually the day ended and it was time for sleep I was out like a light as soon as my head hit something soft.

We were now done here in Awa and it was time to leave we all said our goodbyes and Yona was saddened by the fact Jae-ha didn't show so she could say goodbye. Well he was coming anyway but she couldn't sense the dragons so I guess she wouldn't know but I could feel his presence nearby he was definitely gonna follow us trying to be sneaky about it. As we were leaving Yona happened to run back crying giving Gi-Gan one last hug. And so with that we made our way off this time to search for Ouryuu but I had a feeling it wouldn't take too long not long at all.

"hey Yona you gotta stop crying if you don't I won't be able too" Yoon cried as well and so was Kija. "I'm just sad I didn't get to say by to Jae-ha" Yona sniffled as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "wait you mean he really didn't come with us" Kija stopped crying as well as he was shocked thinking that the green dragon was definitely going to join us. Than Shin-ah chopped down a tree not just any it was the tree that greenie was hiding in and as quickly as the tree was cut did the flying dragon fall from the skies or in this case a tree. "oh Jae-ha you did come!" Yona said as she noticed the man who just fell flat on his butt into a bush. "heh I thought you were supposed to fly not fall how lame..." I mocked the man who's face changed at my comment not a happy one though. "pft Y/n not bad" Hak snickered to himself as he gave me a pat on the shoulder. "huh but I thought you didn't want to follow me" Yona asked and the green haired man began to say how this was his choice and asking Yona to him with her but was soon stopped when hak swung his weapon onto his head which somehow didn't knock him out. "hey how about you ask for all our permission first we're a group ya know" Yoon hissed crossing his arms as he does. "ah forgive me, anyway my name is Jae-ha I'm a handsome beast with the power of a dragon in my right leg it's nice to make your acquaintance" He smiled to us. "hmm I don't know about the handsome part but yeah everything else checks out" I stretched my arms resting them on the back of my head before humming softly and continuing to walk along the path.

We found a place to set up camp and Jae-ha mr speedy legs over here was even able to catch a deer so at least we'd have something better to eat tonight. "ah wow now with Jae-ha here finding the yellow dragon should be easier" Yona cheered "mhm I'll find him for you" Jae-ha hummed "no way I will!" Kija shouted. "oi stop fighting" I pulled the two boys by their ears it was time soon enough my title as a dragon would come to the surface and I need to start speaking up a bit more. I felt the familiar sunshine presence as I now called it, I looked over to where it was coming from and out popped a blonde haired boy covered in dirt head to toe all while drool dripped like a running faucet from his mouth. He plopped himself down next to Yona joining her in the praying of the freshly killed deer. The only sound I could hear though was the boy's rumbling tummy wow kid must be starving wait if he's the same age as me at least he looks my age should I be calling him kid, I wouldn't call myself a kid personally. I thought as I grabbed a cloth from the small bag I carried with me and kneeled down next to Ouryuu. "here" I said turning his head to face me while wiping the drool from his chin and the dirt from his face. "there that's better you should definitely bath later I'm sure we can find somewhere and Yoon can look after cleaning those clothes of yours" I pat the boys head he only stared at me like a deer in the headlights seemingly surprised by my actions. "huh what's that supposed to mean why should I help this drooling stranger!" Yoon perked up at the words that I had said obviously offended that I'd make a decision for him but once he discovers this boy's true identity he'd probably be joining us. The food didn't take long to cook and was ready in no time. Having been told by Chiryuu which had been almost 3 years ago by now I already knew of the Yellow dragon Ouryuu's immortality I expected him to be a little less lifeless surely living for over 2000 years must be painful. He probably lost a lot of people that he was close with and experienced immense pain from it and any physical injury he may get. I wonder if I'm to continuously use the power of Ouryuu would I too gain immortality if so maybe I might I wouldn't want to leave him alone forever when I know I could be there I had spaced out thinking of what possibilities lied ahead, I only came back to reality when I felt something poke my cheek. It was the yellow dragon he handed me one of the meat skewers once he noticed I had noticed. "oh thanks, sorry I got lost in thought there" I thanked him as I took the food from him taking a bite of it. "hey so what do you think the yellow dragon is like" Yona asked "yeah, hey Kija got any idea where he might be" Yoon asked and the three dragons just looked at each other and back at the yellow dragon. "well the thing is, that kid over there eating up all our food we think he's the yellow dragon" Jae-ha sighed as he looked at the blonde. "this seems too easy it's hard to believe" Kija said plainly. "WHAT HE'S OURYUU!" Yona, Yoon and Hak screamed actually Hak just said it in a serious/shocked type tone. "heheh yeah what is it" he answered at his title "hey well if it isn't the green,white and blue dragon well I'll be we're all here" He laughed as he finished the meat off the current skewer he was chewing on. "so you're the yellow dragon" Yona leaned closer to him examining his features. "so Ouryuu what's your name hmm?" I asked the boy who gave a happy smile before answering. "Zeno's name is Zeno" He said as he gave Aoi a belly rub the small critter happened to crawl into his hands earlier. "well it's nice to meet you Zeno" I held my hand which he gladly grabbed with both his hands shaking hands rather ruffly.

Word count: 1481

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