5th Dragon

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After everyone discovering that Zeno was indeed the yellow dragon Hak even punched the poor guy in the face. When everyone was distracted I pulled Yoon to the side to discuss if I should tell them now or wait. "So do you think I should tell them or maybe wait a bit?" I asked as the boy thought about it. "well I personally think we should work out your power first" Yoon sighed coming to a conclusion on the matter. "what if I said I've figured it out already" I laughed nervously. "what you have! what is it" Yoon's eyes sparkled you know should I tell him or keep it a secret wait actually I know!. "Yeah but I'll show you along with the others it'll be easier than explaining" I said he nodded and we headed back to the others to finally reveal to them this secret I had been keeping for too long.

"hey you're back where'd you two go?" Hak asked as he noticed the two of us come back to the group. "ok listen up I've got something to say and it's very important so sit you're butts down" I ordered all of them they all did as I asked, except Hak. "why should I listen, I don't take orders from you" Hak turned his back to me. "oi! shut up and listen!" I yelled at him he reluctantly did as I said. "so what is it miss" Zeno asked as he sat directly Infront of me. "so this might shock you and it's fine if it does but basically.....       I'm the fifth dragon warrior!" I finally told them it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. "huh?" they all said in unison except Zeno he just looked up at me curiously. "Y/n it'd be great if there was another dragon warrior but there isn't you shouldn't joke about that it's quite disrespectful" Kija said seriously he didn't believe me one bit. "yeah besides we'd sense you're presence, and aren't the dragon warriors boys tho a girl would be nice" Jae-ha's mind said his mind wandering off somewhere I don't wanna know at the end. "yeah Y/n don't lie" Hak scoffed at me none of them believed me by the look of it. "I'm being serious I'm the first Brown dragon, lame colour I know but still!" I pleaded for them to believe me but Kija just laughed as he hit my shoulder a few times. "ok fine I'll show you my power than you'll have to believe me!" I grabbed the knife Yona used earlier to cut up our dinner. "huh miss Y/n what are you doing with that!" Zeno tried to grab the knife from me but I pushed him away walking to Kija. "here Yoon pass me a bowl!" I asked the boy and he gave me one, "Kija please hand me your hand than I'll show you I'm not lying, your normal hand by the way" I specified and he did as I said his face was pale, more than usual. I gripped the knife and made a light cut to the boy's hand I choose Kija 1 because I haven't used his power yet and 2 it would be the most noticeable. I let the blood drip into the bowl below, "HUH! Y/n what are you" he tried to pull his hand away but I stopped him. "here done sorry about that Kija but I need one of the other dragons blood for me to use my power, at least I think there could be other ways that I just don't know" I brought the bowl up to my mouth sipping all the blood. "huh!? just what is this so called power!" Kija was shocked at what had happened he was curious if the girl was really telling the truth. "my ability is to copy the others" I sighed out preparing to feel the pain and boy did I "aarrrgh neeeee!" I cried as my right arm changed it's shaped, the scales growing and my nails sharpening into claws. The other's faces held the most shocked expressions I had seen yet,"see I'm the brown dragon, you can call me the copy dragon" I laughed as I brought my new hand to show the others. "ooooooh no way Y/n I, I have a sister why did I not know about this! "Kija quite literally tackled me crying like a new born baby. Shin-ah didn't seemed to fazed but I couldn't really tell with his mask and all. Jae-ha just stared at me, hand covering his mouth wide eyes focused on me and only me. Zeno's bright blue eyes were also staring at me his mouth slightly open forming an O shape. "are you serious, whatever" Hak grumbled being somewhat pissed off by this. "no way, really Y/n are you really a dragon warrior?" Yona asked as her eyes sparkled grabbing my newly formed dragon arm which was an exact one to Kija's except for its colour. "so this is your ability it explains why we were never able to discover it" Yoon sighed as he checked  out my arm. "Hey Kija stop crying for a second and come check this out, is her arm just like yours it seems like it"  Yoon got the white haired boys attention, Kija running up to me. "Ooooh this is amazing it really is like mine, hey Y/n can you enlarge it too?" The boys eyes sparkled as his dragons arm started to grow in size. "uhh maybe I'm going to need to learn how to use it tho" I said as I tried to see if I could get my arm to do the same as Kija did. It didn't work I wasn't sure if there was something I had to do to make it work. "here let's see who's stronger with an arm wrestle" Kija placed his dragon arm on a large rock near us. "umm sure" I agreed placing my Dragon arm down as well. Hak popping up inbetween curious to see the outcome. "alright 3,2,1 go!" Hak said in the most plain voice ever. I used all the strength I could I was able to hold it for a good 20 seconds before I started to feel my strength leaving my arm was about to revert back I had to stop Kija before he accidentally snaps my arm. "wait stop!" I said as the boy did so looking at me curiously. "what?, it was going well you were doing good!" Kija asked, I sighed out as I brought my arm up it slowly reverting back to normal. "woah! it changed back" Kija grabbed my arm rubbing his hand up the now smoothed out skin. "yeah it seems the more blood I ingest the longer it last I guess a sip last about 5 minutes than, I've only had a drop before and that lasts about 5 seconds" I curiously looked at my arm as it was back to normal. "hey Y/n to be able to know this have you tried one of our abilities?" Jae- ha jumped to me slinging his arm around my shoulder. "well yes Shin-ah's and yours, I happened to first discover this when I subconsciously ingested some of Shin-ah's blood when I discovered he had cut his finger, I know it's weird but yeah" I explained the situation of the matter. "hmm well if you ever wish to use my power my blood is all yours" Jae-ha hummed his other arm snaking around my shoulder as well. "yeah well if you're offering than sure but don't say it like that you make it sound weird ya perv!" I smacked his face, him only smiling creepily. "Well anywaaaaay-" I was about to say something but was pulled down by Zeno who clung to me his smile bigger than ever. I smiled at the boy giving him a light head pat making him giggle.

Word count: 1345

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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