White Leaves (2)

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Life is like a white leaf
Springing from the ground
Its pure pearl heart
Without a streak of grey

But when sun rays touch its flesh
It withers and falls from its stem
Nothing pretty and innocent
Can remain longer than a day

But for those short few hours
It shines as bright as dawn
A beauty to behold
From it, no eyes can stray

For life is like a white leaf
It can last only a day
But when its burnt and withered self
Fades far away

Its impression is left in the soil
And its beauty not forgotten
It is promised to persist,
A memory forever to stay.

Author's note: This is part 2 in my "things that should symbolize other things" series. Am I butthurt that white leaves of variegated plants tend to fall off? Maybe a little. Symbol: white leaves as a reason for life, leaving your impact on the world.

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