Under a Willow Bow

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Under the bows of a willow tree
Such a lovely place to sit and read
When the sun is high in the sky
And words can fill your mind

Oh long-lost willow trees
The wind blows, and your leaves are tears
Someone once sat beneath your branches
Watching you cry in the breeze

The wind gave you its last breath
Did you cry as the blade of an axe
Sunk deep within your bark flesh

Suddenly hours beneath your branches are lost
Swept away by the sea of time
Like footprints on a sandy shore

Your memory is gone
Erased and forgotten
By the white crest waves
Of the ticking clock ocean

But the pages of my book
Still hold you dear
Hours under your bows
Will never disappear

Inspiration and Author's Notes (If any):
Inspired by: There Beneath by The Oh Hellos and personal experience

Trillium Beneath the Pines: An Original Poetry CompilationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora