Tire Swing

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The wind rocks
Back and forth.
I'm a sheet
Catching the gales.
The cold from the north
That melts ice
And blows waves
Across tiny seas.
There is no moon tonight
Only stars.
And the tire swing.
I'm a baby.
It is my mother's arms.
It sings
A song of morning
Flowers from the earth.
I open my eyes
It is dark. Warm.
Like a womb.
A lullaby
Of new moon nights.
False lunar street lamps.
Empty fields.
I wait.

Author's Note: When I first wrote this, I did not like it very much. I'm generally not a fan of my free verse poems (except Icarus, love you, moth boy). I prefer rhymes and long lines and complexity. Reading this again, though, I like how simple it is. Just a tire swing under the stars. And my inspiration was just that: a tire swing. Nothing more. Hopefully, this poem will continue to grow on me.

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