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Sammys POV

Sammy will you be my girlfriend?

Yes Brandon

Kissing I was pulled Into the future.

Our school year together

Two years later...


Five months later......


Two years later.....

A baby girl with curly black hair and vivid blue eyes.


hmmm I mumbled wanting to get back to my little baby.


Snapping out of my dreams I saw all three girls sitting on my bed....laughing??

What..what did I say?

You were aha dreaming of ahahah Brandon hahahahahahah nicky practiclly sobbed from laughter.

What was it about? Sky and cally asked in perfect unison.

Well.....explaining to them about marriage the baby all the sweet things he did for me in the dreams I started blushing like crazy when I got to the part about the baby.

Would they think I was some weirdo for thinking of babys already with a guy I just met yesterday?

Nicky whistled and raised her eyebrows and whistled damn girl you got it bad she said.

Cally and sky nodded in agreement.

Well imma gonna get ready for school cally yelled lighting up the seriously awkward atmosphere.

We all rushed off to get to the showers and get our make up clothes and hair ready.

..............................2 hours later.................

Standing in front of the mirror I we appraised ourselfs and gave out comments.

We had all picked our own outfits but I had done callys hair Nicky had done mine and cally did sky's hair while I did hers.

We had done the same rotation for makeup.

Cally was wearing a pink top that said love pink in bright blue block letters, and a decently short jean skirt with white high heels that showed off her slender tan legs. Her make up was pink blue and purple that set off her Bright blue eyes but still looked fairly natural. while her shiny blonde hair was in loose big curls. It was an outfit that screamed....I'm boy hunting but I'm not a slut.

Sky was wearing cute floral dress that was blue with soft pink designs that made her alabaster skin shine and black ballet flats. Her hair was in a intricate updo that was pinned up and fell down in tight brown ringlets.while her make up was brown and creame eyeshadow with slightly winged edges on the black eyeliner that made her darker blue eyes pop.

Nicky was wearing black booty shorts that made her legs look longer and a bright blue tank top that had lace on the shoulders and bottom and made her fair skin glow with Bright blue sneakers.her make up was simple but pretty with brown eyeshadow and a slight highlight of pink on the edges and corners of her eyes.while her hair that was shoulder length was pin straight with her bangs straight across her eyes in a fringe and slightly curled to stay out of her eyes while slightly curled at the ends of her hair.

I was wearing tight black skinnys that were ripped from the thigh to the knee and had holes in various places which is why I wore Bright fluorescent blue fishnet tights under them. My shirt was a cut off shirt that cut off above my belly button with My chemical romance on it in bright purple letters which also showed off my purple belly button ring I paired all this with bright purple converse with blue and black stripes that went diagonally and horizontally across them.

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