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Sammy's POV

I leant forward in the mirror trying to apply this horror also known as eyeliner to my face without stabbing my eye out. Five minutes later I finished my smoky black makeup, putting my long waist length black hair into a tight ponytail I waited anxiously in my dressing room.

I always got like this before fights, looking back though I keep on thinking about how much I've changed from that shy insecure mousy girl to what id like to think as a strong independent individual.


I woke up to my twin eight year old brothers screaming at each other in the kitchen rolling my eyes I quickly got dressed in loose baggy jeans that had once belonged to my older brother zach and a loose black hoodie brushing my hair back into a tight pony tail, One of the very few things i like about myself is my hair or my piercing green eyes I quickly Slipped my hood up and headed downstairs.

I never felt comfortable showing very much skin as I got teased a lot about being fat when I was ten. I was twelve now and still not over that, I was bullied a lot and never really had the guts to stand up for myself I didn't really have any friends either as they were all embarrassed to hang out with the loser/nerd of the school.

Finally reaching the kitchen I quickly ate a breakfast that tony (our chef) made for us. Yeah I know what your thinking she must be a spoiled brat to live in a freakin mansion and have a chef and maids right? Well the truth is I choose not to be a spoiled bratty snob like, the rest of my family.

Giving my mom a stiff awkward hug I quickly slipped on my DCs on and headed to school. My mom and I weren't really close because she wished I was like the bitch of the school, Ashley I wasn't a all like Ashley though, where Ashley was tan had baby doll blue eyes and bright blonde hair I was pale had thick black hair and piercing green eyes.

And while Ashley was popular I was considered an outcast and loser that dressed like a boy while Ashley always looked like she just came out of the seventeen magazine,

I know what your wondering why does her mom want her to be like the bitch of the school?

The ugly truth is that she's my older sister bye a year and a half and she's always perfect around the house. Which made it all the more hurtful when she Led the bullies.

Arriving at the school I walked to my locker with my head down and slumped shoulders i bumped into someone as I turned around from my locker and my books scattered all over the floor.

Instead of being mature individuals and helping me everybody laughed and yelled rude comments while the stupid blonde jock who was happily dating my sister shoved me to the floor and called me a bitch.

Later on in the cafeteria i was eating my lunch by myself at a table when something ice cold was poured on my cheek I felt an object sliding down my face grabbed it and looked at it an ice cube??? That would explain the ice cold water then no doubt a courtesy of the lovely lunch ladies.

Looking up I saw my kind dear sweet loving sister (me being sarcastic of course) looking down at me with a sneer on her makeup caked face.

Oh my gosh like why are you even here you should just go turn yourself in to the ugly police, your so ugly nobody likes you your just a dumb slut looking for attention she shouted loud enough for everyone to hear of course.

And as everyone was laughing that was the day I snapped and when I say snapped I mean all of the following

1. I went to the mall and got all the rocker chick/badass clothes I could using my unlimited card for the first time.

2. Went to the salon and got a women to cut my hair into an awesome shaggy style hair cut with a side fringe and to show me how to apply make up properly.

3. Went to the mall and got the things I needed biker gloves makeup jewelry etc

4. Enrolled my self into any kind of fighting traing their is and even signed up for a self defense/workout bootcamp.

And finally went to the car shops and got a ninja swaktchi bike of the latest model along with everything else I needed.

So this way next year I'm going to be a whole different person!!!!

*********End of flashback*************

Sighing as I thought about the past I straitened myself out as my name was called. I reminded myself that I was no longer that girl and rolling back my shoulders I walked through the hundreds of screaming fans and Stepped through the ropes and into the Cage.


Hi guys I'm sorry if it was a little short but this was

Introduction chapter but I promise to update soon





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